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Strictly Professional: Stud Services Page 12

  “No, I think I can...oh!”


  “Get a chair.”

  He disappeared inside and came back a moment later with a wheelchair and she struggled to sit down. “Hang on, baby.”

  She shot him a confused looked. It was the first time he’d called her that except for when they had sex.

  Within moments, she’d been wheeled into a labor room, told to take off her clothes, and slip on a gown and get comfortable. The nurse said she’d be right back to check her cervix and Savannah struggled into a comfortable position in the bed while Brandon paced the room.

  “Sit down.”

  The look in his eyes gave her pause. He almost looks...worried.

  Another contraction hit her and she moaned. He swiftly moved to her side and took her hand in his while he pushed the hair back from her face.

  When the contraction dissipated, she said, “Everything will be fine, Brandon. The baby is full term.”

  “I don’t like seeing you like this.”


  “In pain.”

  “It’s part of the process.”

  “Don’t you think I know that? I went through the same courses you did for an OB rotation. It’s not the same when it’s someone you care about.”

  The next contraction hit her, preventing her from asking what he meant by that remark and then a moment later, the nurse came in.

  “Would you like to step out while I check her?” she asked Brandon.


  “Out!” Savannah yelled, pointing at the door.

  He held up his hands and backed out, shutting it behind him.

  When it had shut, the nurse laughed and shook her head. “Typical father. Okay. With the next one, I’ll check your cervix. How far apart are they?”

  Savannah looked at the clock and said, “About three minutes now.”

  “Let me know when it’s coming.”

  She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but within moments, her stomach began to tighten.

  “Now?” the nurse asked.


  “Breathe, Doctor Gibson. Breathe.”

  “Savannah,” she groaned. “Oh, God!”

  “All right then, Savannah. Pant with the pain.”

  The contraction lasted about a minute and when it finally eased off, she exhaled slowly through her lips.


  “Yeah. Until the next one.”

  The nurse snapped off the glove and threw it in the trashcan. “You’re already five centimeters and eighty percent effaced. I’ll let the doctor on call know you are here and in active labor. We’ll have to get an IV established and get fluids running. Be patient. Do you want me to call anesthesia for an epidural?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “No problem.” She moved toward the door. “Is it okay for him to come back in?”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Good. I’ll be back in a minute to start the IV.” She opened the door and told Brandon he could come back in the room before she disappeared down the hall.


  “I’m indeed in labor. I’m five centimeters already and eighty percent effaced, so I guess you need to call my parents.”

  He sat in the chair next to the bed and took her hand. “Already done. I called them while I stood in the hall.”

  She chewed her bottom lip for a second, before she said, “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

  He shrugged and smiled. “No big deal.”

  “Yes it is.”

  His fingers whispered along her cheek. “No it’s not.”

  Uncomfortable with the current tenderness, she pulled away when another contraction rolled across her stomach. He clasped her hand in his and said, “Squeeze if you need to.”

  “No,” she grunted and tried to pant with the pain.

  “Stop trying to be so stubborn, Savannah. If you need to lean on me, you can. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You will eventually and I’m not going to let you hurt me in the process.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Savannah, I...”

  “There are you!” her mother said when she burst into the room. “Why didn’t you wake me before you left the house?”

  “Hi, Mom.” Her mother kissed her cheek. “I didn’t want to drag you out if I wasn’t really in labor.”

  Maria looked at Brandon and said, “Thank you for calling us.”

  “Of course. I know you wanted to be here, but she wouldn’t let me wake you.”

  “That’s our daughter,” her father replied. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  “I’m okay, Dad. They should be putting in the epidural here shortly.”

  She tensed when a contraction tightened her abdomen and Brandon leaned over to whisper, “Breathe.” A scathing look in his direction was her only response. He chuckled, not the least bit put off by her attitude.

  A mid-thirties, handsome registered nurse anesthetist came into the room a few moments later. “Hi. I’m Matthew with anesthesiology. You ready for your epidural?”

  With a groan, she answered, “Oh, yeah.”

  “Perfect.” His gaze swept the room. “If you all will step out into the hall, we’ll get this done and get her comfortable.”

  After the epidural was in place, she relaxed against the bed and he let Brandon and her parents in as he stepped out. At least now, she felt the contractions to some extent, but without the pain.

  “Better?” Brandon asked.

  “Much. I’ll never, ever have a problem with a woman who presents at the emergency room complaining of labor pains, again. You have no idea how they feel unless you've been through it.”

  He chuckled and stroked the knuckles of her hand.

  She pulled away from his grasp and shot a look at the monitor tracing her contractions. His touch disturbed her concentration, never mind sending her body into a spasm of need whenever he got close. Nothing more than the smell of his skin and the brush of his lips, made her all tingly.

  Her lips felt parched, cracked, and dry when she ran her tongue across them. “Damn. I wish I could have some water.”

  “You know you can’t.”

  “I know. I’d rather be dry right now than puke later.” She bit her lip before she shot a glance at Brandon. “Why don’t you get some coffee or something? This could be a very long process.”

  His mouth pulled down in a frown and he gave her an odd look before he said, “Okay. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “Daddy? Why don’t you go with Brandon?”

  “Girl talk, huh? I get the picture.” William slapped Brandon on the back and ushered him toward the door. “Come on, son. Let’s find a vending machine or something.”

  Maria sat in the chair Brandon vacated. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  Savannah shrugged and wiggled in the bed, trying to find a more comfortable position.

  “I thought you and Brandon were getting along?”

  “We are, I guess.”

  “All right, Savannah, spill it.”

  “Spill what?”

  “You obviously have a need to talk since you shooed your father and Brandon out of the room.”

  Savannah picked at the invisible lint on the blanket lying across the bed for a second before her mother took her hand in a warm grasp. Tears gathered on her lashes and traced a pattern down her cheeks.

  “Ah, sweetie. Don’t cry. Everything will work out.”

  She placed her hand on her rounded stomach before a sob broke from between her lips. Her mother moved to sit on the side of the bed and gathered Savannah in her arms. “Shhh.”

  “What am I going to do, Mom?”

  “I’m not sure I understand what you mean.”

  “It wasn’t supposed to be like this. All of us were supposed to find the man of our dreams, have children with him, and live happily ever after.” Savannah leaned back against the bed. “I’m thirty-one years old, single, having the child of a
man who likes to take me to bed, but doesn’t care beyond the physical relationship we have.”

  “I think you’re wrong there, sweetie.”

  She wiped the tear on her cheek. “Why?”

  “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. It reminds me of your father when we dated.”

  Savannah snorted. “He only wants to have sex. That’s the look of a sex-hungry man, Mom.”

  Maria chuckled. “He is attracted to you, but you are to him, too.”

  “Yeah.” She glanced out the window at the morning sky. The sun had just begun to light the canvas with purple streaks.

  “It will develop into more than only a physical relationship, Savannah. Be patient.”

  The jingle of a cell phone halted their conversation and she looked at Brandon’s jacket lying across the chair. “That sounds like Brandon’s phone. Grab his coat over there, Mom. He must have forgotten it in his pocket.”

  Her mother retrieved the jacket and Savannah dug inside. With his cell phone in hand, she frowned when the number didn’t come up with a name, just a location.

  New York?

  She flipped it open and answered, “Hello?”

  The line was silent for a moment and Savannah said again, “Hello?”

  “Um...I’m sorry. I must have the wrong number.”

  “Who are you trying to reach?”

  “Brandon Cooper? Doctor Brandon Cooper.”

  “This is his phone. He stepped out for a moment. Can I take a message?”

  “I suppose that would be fine. Just tell him Rachel called and if he could call me back, I’d appreciate it. I need to tell him something.”

  * * * *

  His thoughts scattered to the winds while he listened to William chatter on about the ranch doings, his businesses, and whatever else came to his mind.

  I don’t like how Savannah seems to be pulling away from me. I thought we had gotten closer over the last couple of weeks. She’s let me make love to her on several occasions. A smile twitched on his lips. Did she ever. She’s a wild-cat in bed even if some of their activities had to be adjusted because of her advanced state of pregnancy. I can’t wait to see what happens once the baby is born and we can explore some of those things she’s mentioned, like handcuffs and anal sex. Oh lord. His dick responded and he fought a groan rumbling in his chest. And what I wouldn’t give to fuck her ass!

  William’s voice finally penetrated the desire-filled fog. “Savannah mentioned your parents have a place in Montana, Brandon?”

  “Yes they do. Outside of Billings.”

  “Cooper.” William tapped his finger against his temple. “Why does that sound familiar? Let me think a moment.”

  Brandon cocked an eyebrow and waited for the realization to hit the older man.

  “Cooper.” He snapped his fingers and shot Brandon a wide-eyed look. “Cooper Cattle. Jed Cooper’s your dad?”

  He chuckled. “Yes.”

  William slapped him on the back. “Well damn, son! I’ve known your dad for years.”

  “Huh? Really?”

  “Yep. We’ve traded stock back and forth for a long time. Mostly during auction. How’s your momma doing? I heard she wasn’t doing well.”

  “She’s better now, but she had to have open heart surgery.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  The nurse from labor and delivery rushed up to his side. “I’m glad I found you. Doctor Gibson, I mean, Savannah, is about to deliver.”

  “What? She was only dilated to five.”

  “Well, babies come when they decide to. Not before and not after. You’d better hurry. She’s pushing.”


  He hurried down the hall and pushed the door open. They had already broken down the bed and the doctor on call sat crouched between her legs.

  “All right. Breathe.” Savannah groaned. “With the next one, pull your legs up to your chest and push.”

  Brandon moved to the top of the bed.

  “Where the hell have you been?” He chuckled softly and she glowered. “You wanted to be here for this.”

  “That I did, baby, but you weren’t supposed to dilate that fast.”

  Air whistled between her lips and she moaned. “I need to push.”

  “Go for it. The baby is crowning.”

  She arched her back and fought the contraction.

  “You can’t fight it, Savannah. You need to push with it,” the doctor said between her legs.

  “Sit up and I’ll brace your back.” When the contraction had dissipated, she sat forward and he slid in behind her on the bed. “Now lean back.” She did what he told her and relaxed against him. “Better?”

  “A little. I thought this damn epidural was supposed to make it not hurt?”

  “It’ll be fine,” he whispered near her ear.

  “Oh, God! Brandon!”

  “Easy baby. Breathe.”

  “Damn,” the doctor said.

  “What?” Both he and Savannah replied at the same time.

  “Nurse! Get the OR ready. Now!”

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “The baby is too big. His shoulders are too large for your pelvis. We need to do a c-section immediately.”

  The room exploded in a flurry of activity. Nurses appeared out of nowhere and they quickly unhooked her, forced him aside, and started to rush her out of the room.

  “Fuck! Brandon!”

  “I’m right here, sweetheart. Take it easy. Everything will be fine.” He tried to soothe her, but his heart clenched in his chest. He knew they had to hurry, otherwise the baby wouldn’t make it and she might not, either.

  He followed them down the hall, but they forced him to wait outside. His fingers cut a path through his hair and he started to pace from one side of the area to the other.

  God, please let Savannah and the baby be okay. I don’t want to think about my life without them in it.

  The clank of metal instruments met his ears and his stomach balled up in knots. The murmur of voices in the operating room had him peeking over the door through the cut-out window to see. When they sliced through her abdomen, he winced and bit his lip. For several tense moments, he held his breath.

  The wail of a baby’s cry had him releasing the tight rein he held and he closed his eyes. The nurse whisked the baby into the warmer and rubbed him briskly. He watched in amazement as his son screamed and flailed his arms and legs while they did their assessment of his condition. Brandon looked toward the top of the bed where Savannah lay and their gaze locked across the expanse. Tears lingered on her lashes and one slipped down her nose before it dropped on the bed beneath her.

  Her mouth moved and her words sent his heart to his feet.

  Thank you.

  * * * *

  He stood near the nursery window in complete awe with the feelings rushing through him. The love he felt for the little red-faced bundle in the warmer took him by surprise. Yes, he knew he would love his son, but the depth of the love had him reeling with confusion.

  How in the hell are we going to work this out?

  The nurse bundled the baby up and motioned for him to come inside. Brandon looked behind him to make sure she meant him and she laughed.

  “Do you want to hold him?”


  She chuckled. “You are his father, are you not?”

  “Well yes, but...”

  “He won’t break. I promise.” She nodded toward the rocker against the wall. “Have a seat.”

  Brandon slid onto the seat and then the nurse slipped the baby into his arms while she showed him how to hold his son. “Have you and his mother decided what to name him?”

  He shook his head as she pulled the blanket back and he got his first, up close and personal look at his son.

  “Well you have plenty of time. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

  The baby pursed his lips and blinked open his eyes before he yawned and Brandon laughed in a tear-choked sob when dimples peeked out of
the babies cheeks.

  He’s got my dimples and his momma’s nose.

  He brought the baby up to his shoulder and leaned back against the spindles of the chair as a tear cut a path down his cheek. He rocked the baby while he cuddled him on his chest for over an hour before the nurse interrupted.

  “Your wife is back in her room now if you’d like to go see her.”

  He frowned. “She’s...she’s not my wife.”

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  His shoulder lifted in a shrug. “It’s okay.” He handed the baby back to her and she snuggled him into his bassinet.

  “Why don’t you wheel him down there with you so she can see him, too?”


  When he stood outside her room with the baby, he exhaled before he pushed open the door.

  Her sleepy eyes opened and a small smile lifted the corners of her lips. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He pushed the bassinet closer to the bed.

  “How is he?”


  “Not that you aren’t the least bit biased there, daddy.” She chuckled.

  “Where did your parents go?”

  “Down for food. They said they’d be back in a little bit. I think it was more to give us some alone time with him.” Her stomach rumbled. “Besides, I’m starving.”

  Brandon picked up their son in arms and moved toward the bed. “I’m sure you’ll get something here soon.” He placed the baby in her arms and stepped back when her scent wrapped itself around his senses.

  Good grief I love the way she smells.

  She stroked the baby’s cheek. “Hi there, little one. You sure gave me a scare there, buddy.”

  “Me too,” he whispered and took the chair next to the bed. Her gaze fastened on him for a moment before it moved back to the baby in her arms. “We need to come up with a name. I don’t think we really talked about it.”

  “You know what’s really sad?”


  Her gaze locked on his face. “We’ve known each other for over a year, have a child together and I don’t even know your middle name.”

  “We’re even, then.”

  Frown lines appeared between her eyes. “How so?”

  “I don’t know yours either.”

  Her nose crinkled up before she chuckled. “It’s Arlene.” He bit his lip and tried not to laugh. “I know. I hate it, too, but it was my grandmother’s name.” Her eyes narrowed. “So what’s yours?” Her gaze returned to the sleeping baby in her arms.