Strictly Professional: Stud Services Page 11
I’ll have to call Sabrina tomorrow and thank her for the message at the hospital. I should have known Savannah would run here. Without the information supplied by her sister, I wouldn’t have known where to find her though. I’m glad I didn’t have to fight with her parents to be near her.
The boards creaked on the other side of the wall near his head and he knew she paced the floor. He had to fight the urge to go to her and pull her into his arms.
Soon. I have to convince her that we belong together, raising this baby.
The last eight months had been hell on earth. She wouldn’t let him near her and he had to fight at every turn to be a part of the pregnancy. His son. Brandon’s smile spread across his face in a wide grin. At first the idea of Savannah being pregnant sent his mind spinning, but after a while, he liked the idea of having a child and having her as the baby’s mother made it all the sweeter.
After several minutes of hearing her pace, he got up from the bed, opened the door, and moved down the hall to her door before he tapped lightly.
“Who is it?”
She hesitated for a second before she peered through the crack she’d created. “What?”
“What’s wrong?”
She frowned. “Nothing. Why?”
“I can hear you pacing.”
“My backs hurting a bit. That’s all. I’ll be fine. Go back to bed.”
He put his hand against the wood and held the door when she tried to close it. Her widened gaze met his.
“Let me inside and I’ll help you.”
Her perfectly arch eyebrow rose. “Help me?”
“I’ll rub your back so you can sleep.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
He frowned. “No.”
She fought the urge to accept his suggestion as indecision rippled across her features and she bit her lip. A deep sigh rushed from her mouth before she opened the door. “All right.”
He moved inside her room and said, “Good. Is there some lotion or oil around?”
“I have some massage oil on my dresser.” A crooked grin lifted one corner of his mouth and her eyes narrowed. “Don’t get any ideas, Brandon.”
She shook her head before she slipped beneath the covers on her bed, pulled her nightgown over her head to bare her back, and raised her arms above her.
Desire rushed through him like waves rolling in on the beach when the side of her naked breast peeked out. He hadn’t been with any woman since the two of them had created this wonderful life growing within her womb and he could sure tell.
“Is this all right? I can’t lie on my stomach.”
He rubbed some of the oil into his palms and started at her neck. “It’s fine. I can reach everything.”
She moaned softly. “That feels wonderful.” Her stomach rippled and her hand moved to caress the rounded skin.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Your son doesn’t like it when I lay on my side.”
“Stubborn already.”
“Just like his father,” she mumbled.
“And his mother,” Brandon added.
He wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn he heard her snort. “This poor kid doesn’t stand a chance.”
Brandon chuckled and moved his hands further down her spine and across her lower back. Her moan of ecstasy brought a smile to his lips. He loved the feel of her skin and if this simple task made her feel better, he had no problem enjoying what he was doing.
“You have no idea.”
For over half an hour, he moved his hands over her back and neck, rolling the muscles into plaint, relaxed tissue until her breathing slowed and she snored softly. He pulled the sheet over her and leaned down to brush his lips over hers. “Sweet dreams, love.”
Her stomach rolled and he placed his hand on the spot bulging outward with a soft smile. He felt a bump against his hand and his heart swelled with love for the baby she protected beneath her breast. The light flipped off with the pressure of his fingers and he slipped out the door of her room, softly closing it behind him.
* * * *
“Good morning,” Brandon said as he stepped into the kitchen.
“Morning,” Savannah replied when he took a seat across from her.
“How did you sleep?”
“Better after you came in.”
Maria’s eyebrow rose in question when Savannah looked at her mother.
“Nothing, sweetheart.”
She rolled her eyes. “Mother, I had a lot of back pain last night. Brandon heard me pacing the floor so he offered to rub my back for me. Isn’t that right, Brandon?”
A sexy grin lifted the corners of his mouth, making his dimples peek out. Savannah’s heart slammed against her ribs when he leveled his baby blues on her.
“And...and I fell asleep.” She looked from her mother back to him and then at her mother again when the two of them exchanged looks. “Oh stop it, will you?” She stood, picked up her plate, and put it in the sink. “I’m going back upstairs to take a shower.” Savannah waved a finger in his direction when the grin returned to his lips. “And don’t get any ideas about joining me either.”
She held her breath when she headed for the stairs, almost hoping he would follow her even though she told him not to.
I’m such a hypocrite! When she reached the top, she shot a glance behind her, but disappointment skittered down her back when he still sat at the table with her mother.
This is ridiculous.
She shook her head and headed toward her room.
A few minutes later, she stood next to the shower stall. During her childhood, two of the girls shared one bathroom, the same one that now joined her room and Brandon’s. She quickly shed her clothes, turned on the warm water, and stepped into the stream with a sigh. Her thoughts drifted back to the morning their baby had been conceived and her body reacted to the lack of intimacy since then. Her nipples tightened into hard nubs and tingled when she remembered his mouth and when he’d sucked her clit between his lips, she’d almost crawled out of her skin. She moaned softly when her palms slid over her hardened nipples and one hand slipped over her rounding stomach to rasp against her clit.
“Can I help?”
She jumped and squealed when her eyes popped open to see Brandon standing propped against the doorjamb between his room and hers. “Shit! Damn it, Brandon. You scared the crap out of me!”
He pushed away from the wall and sauntered toward her with a wicked gleam in his eyes, one she wasn’t sure she wanted to explore. Her mouth started to water when he pulled his t-shirt out of the waistband of his jeans and pulled it over his head. The sculpted pectorals and his six-pack abs rippled when he moved.
“What are you doing?”
His fingers unsnapped his jean. “I’m going to help you. I’m sure you find it hard to reach,” he paused when he pulled the zipper down, “certain spots.”
The tempo of her heart doubled when he dropped his jeans and his boxers to the floor. Her pussy filled and pulsed with need so strong, she thought for sure she’d die.
“No use wasting water.”
She bit her lip and fought the moan of desire rumbling in her chest.
He stepped inside the shower stall and whispered, “Turn around and I’ll wash your back. I’m sure there is still oil there that needs to be washed off.”
“Mmm...I’m sure there is,” she said, turning around and presenting him with her back.
His slick, soapy hands found the muscles of her neck and skimmed across her shoulders. She moaned and tipped her head forward, letting her hair fall in a dark curtain around her face.
“Feel good?” he whispered in her ear before his teeth nibbled the lobe.
“Heavenly. You have wonderful hands. You should have been a surgeon.”
He chuckled softly. “Nah. I like the adrenaline of the emergency room.”
/> “Mmm... me too.”
He stood close—too close. His cock fit snuggly against the crack of her ass and she had to fight the urge to rock her hips. The hair on his chest tickled her back when he ran his hands down her arms and around to her breasts, rasping his palms over her nipples.
“Um, Brandon?”
“That’s not my back.”
He laughed. “Want me to stop?”
“Hell, no,” she murmured when she laid her head on his shoulder.
His hand slid over her abdomen and the baby kicked.
“Your son is active today.”
“Think he’ll mind of I make love to his mother?”
Her heart clenched. Make love? She turned around in his arms to stare into his face. “I don’t think he’ll mind. I know I won’t.”
Brandon wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled her face closer to his. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips.
She choked back a sob.
“Don’t cry.”
“Stupid hormones,” she said as she wiped a tear.
A grin lifted the corners of his mouth before it met hers in a kiss that melted her heart.
She moaned when he fit his mouth better against hers and stroked the crease of her lips with his tongue. One hand slipped over her breast in a soft caress before it slid down her side and between her legs. His lips blazed a path across her cheek to her ear and she shivered when he licked her earlobe then nibbled it with his teeth. A lick to the soft piece of skin beneath her ear and she almost lost it. She whimpered when his lips moved further down, took her nipple between his lips, and sucked. Her fingers wrapped in his hair and she spread her thighs when his finger rasped across her clit in a torturous caress.
“Ah, God, Brandon.”
“Tell me you want me.”
“More than anything in this world.”
Two fingers dove inside her pussy and she almost climaxed from the sensation. He finger fucked her pussy for several long moments before he slipped them out and said, “I want inside you.”
She shivered with need. “The bed?”
“No. Here. Now.” He lifted his head to meet her gaze. “Turn around and bend over.”
A smile tripped across her lips. “I think I’m gonna like this.”
Once she’d gotten into position, the head of his cock bumped against her swollen labia as the stream of water splattered on her back.
“Open for me, baby.” She spread her thighs more and he slid inside with a tortured groan. “God, you feel good.”
She flipped her hair back and pushed against his groin. “Please, Brandon.”
His pelvis slapped against her ass and she whimpered in need when he filled her completely.
“How can you feel so good? So tight. So hot. So perfect,” he moaned with each thrust of his hips. His tongue found a path up her spine and she trembled with each sensation he caused. Teeth nipped along the ridges of her back.
His cock pounding into her and the slickness of his tongue on her back sent her spiraling out of control. Her pussy clamped around him, milking him, demanding he come inside her. Her name whispered on a prayer is what she heard when he surged and spilled his seed.
* * * *
“You didn’t tell me your daddy was my boss,” the cowboy said when he peered over the fence.
“You didn’t ask.”
He shrugged and laughed. “I guess I had that coming.” His gaze focused on her large abdomen. “Some things have changed since we danced.”
“No, really? How’d you guess?”
She smiled and stuck out her hand. “Name’s Savannah.”
“Nice to meet you, Cord.”
“You too, Savannah.”
She tipped her head toward the mare he held. “Working with that one?”
“Yeah. She’s not likin' the saddle very well.”
Savannah squatted near the fence and looked under the mare’s belly before she straightened up. “Loosen her cinch a little. She’ll be better. Women don’t like it tight.”
He cocked an eyebrow and said, “No? I know some who do.”
A bubble of laughter burst from her lips. “Are you flirting with me, Cord?”
“Of course. You’re a beautiful woman and the boss’ daughter. I ain't stupid.” A flash of a grin, spread across his mouth.
Typical man. Flirt until the cows come home, but when it comes to a real relationship, they run for the hills.
“Savannah?” Brandon replied when he slipped his hand along her back. "You okay?"
Cord’s eyes narrowed when Brandon stepped behind her.
“Guess I’ll see you around, Savannah.” Cord tipped his head in acknowledgement of the possessive way Brandon caressed her shoulder.
“Thanks for the tip with the mare. I’ll see how it works out.”
“It’ll work. Trust me. I’ve been around a few horses in my time.”
“I bet you have.” His gaze raked down her belly and then focused on the man behind her. “Good luck.”
* * * *
“Brandon,” she whispered when she touched his face. She hated to wake him, but she didn’t have a choice.
“Wake up.”
He came awake with a start. “What?”
“We need to go to the hospital.”
“Are you sure? Right now?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I think my water broke.”
“Yeah. Right.” He searched around the room. “Where the hell are my pants?”
“Calm down, daddy.” She grabbed his jeans off the chair and handed them to him. A giggle left her lips when he hopped around on one foot while he tried to slip them on in a hurry. He frowned and snapped them before he slipped his t-shirt over his head.
“Where are my shoes?”
“Damn, Brandon. Do I have to dress you, too?”
He waggled his eyebrows and said, “I can undress you.”
She laughed. “Not right now, you’re not.”
Another contraction gripped her stomach and she moaned. His arm went around her shoulder when she slid her hands over her tight abdomen.
“You okay?”
“I’ll be fine once your son decides to make his appearance.”
He grabbed his shoes and slipped them on. “Where’s your bag?”
“Do I have to do everything?”
“Just tell me where the damned bag is,” he grumbled.
“Next to the door.”
Grabbing the handle, he pulled open the bedroom door. “Let’s go.”
“We shouldn't wake my parents until we know this is for sure.”
“I’ll call them from the hospital once we determine if this is truly labor. Okay?
He helped her out to the car, threw her bag into the backseat, and shut the door behind her before he ran around the front and slipped behind the wheel. They’d toured the labor and delivery department two weeks ago when she’d pre-registered at the hospital after one of her doctor’s appointments. They knew exactly where to go, but she wished she could have had Mandy deliver the baby. At the time though, she and Brandon hadn’t been on the best of terms and she had thought her only option was to come home, back to Destiny, to deliver her baby.
Another contraction gripped her and he took her hand in his when she moaned.
“How far apart are they?”
“About five minutes.”
“Are you sure your water broke?”
“No, I’m not sure, but it didn’t smell like urine.”
“I could have checked your cervix at the house.”
Her eyebrow rose. “I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“I do not want your fingers there unless they are doing something else and checking my cervix isn’t it.” A crack of laughter left
his mouth and he shook his head. “Tonight, neither of us are physicians, Brandon. Tonight, we are only expectant parents.”
He brushed his fingers against her cheek and said, “Yes, momma.”
“That means no ordering the nurses around, no getting upset when things aren’t going your way...”
“I don’t...”
“Yes you do, Brandon. I’ve worked beside you for several months and I’ve seen how you are, so don’t try to tell me differently.”
He crossed his chest and gave her a dimpled smile. “All right. I promise to behave.”
“Thank you.”
He pulled the car into the parking lot and shut it off before he turned to her. “You’re going to let me in there, right?”
She glowered at him for a moment. “You are the father.”
“That doesn’t mean anything these days and you know it.”
“Yeah, well.” She shrugged.
The two of them had come to a truce over the last three weeks since he had shown up on her parent’s doorstep. She didn’t consider them a couple and she didn’t think he did either, although she’d broken down and let him into her bed on several occasions, like last night. Hell, he'd been more in her bed lately than his own.
After he’d joined her in the shower and fucked her until she screamed his name, she’d decided she would at least get some enjoyment out of having him close by.
I’m not going to admit my feelings. I won’t let him hurt me that way.
“Yes, you’ll be allowed in there.”
“Good.” He popped open the door and walked around to her side. She had to admire his broad chest and trim hips. He turned many an eye at their hospital and around town there in Destiny and it drove her crazy. With his dark hair and sexy eyes, several women had done a double take when they'd been in town. Never mind his nicely rounded ass all deck out in a pair of Wranglers. The ultimate cowboy. He could probably model for the jean company if he wanted to.
I’m not jealous. I refuse to be jealous.
She sighed. “Do I have a choice?”
He laughed. “Not really.”
“Let’s get this over with, then.”
“Do you need a wheelchair?’