Strictly Professional: Stud Services Read online

Page 9

  He followed her down onto the mattress, his lips fastened to hers and her arms around his neck. His hand found her breast again, rasping his palm across her nipple until she moaned in his mouth and arched her back. He kissed his way down her neck, flicking her nipple with his tongue for a moment before continuing down her stomach. Her breaths came in ragged gasps and he flashed a smile before settling between her thighs.

  Her head whipped back and forth on the sheets while her hand found her breast. She rolled her nipple with her fingers and whimpered when he sucked her clit between his lips.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered and lifted her hips.

  One finger, then two slipped inside her pussy and he could feel her muscles grip him tight when he slid his tongue across her swollen little nub. It didn’t take long for him to feel her vagina start to quiver when her climax got close. He lifted his head and kissed his way back up her stomach while she wiggled beneath him, begging him with her eyes. He stopped above her, his mouth hovering over hers.

  “I want you to keep your eyes open when I slide inside you. I want you to know who is taking you over the edge when you come around my cock.”

  A tear slid into her hair and she arched her back when he pressed the head of his penis against her pussy. They both moaned softly when he slipped inside.

  “Brandon, please. I want you to fuck me. Now—right now. Hard. God, please, hard. I don’t want soft. Not from you.”

  A growl rumbled in his chest and he fastened his lips on hers before he pulled her legs up and over his arms. He rocked his hips and buried his cock to the hilt, deep inside her.

  “Yeesss,” she purred. She lifted her butt off the bed and met him thrust for thrust.

  “You’re so tight. You feel incredible wrapped around me,” he whispered against her neck.

  The bed squeaked with each plunge. The slap of flesh against flesh sounded loud in the room, but he didn’t care. Savannah, alternating between whimpers and purring, had him on the edge of climax before he wanted to be, but he couldn’t seem to stop the rush.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  Her pussy clamped down on his dick so hard, he thought she would squeeze him in two.

  “Oh, God. Brandon!” she screamed and her slick juices spilled out, running down between them.

  Unable to hold back any longer, he plunged into her with a soft growl as he shot hot cum deep inside her.

  He buried his nose in her neck and inhaled her scent while he tried to calm his rapid breaths. Muscles felt like limp noodles when he tried to move. Groaning softly, he slipped from her warmth and pulled her to his side. He stared at the ceiling above them and tried to wrap his mind around why she’d invited him into her bed.

  * * * *

  What’s he thinking?

  Her fingers drifted through the smattering of hair on his chest while his heart pounded beneath her ear.



  She propped herself up on her elbow. “Have you ever been in love?”

  He shifted his gaze to the ceiling for a couple of moments before it came back to her. “Yeah.”

  She laid her head back on his chest. “Do you want to tell me about her?”

  A soft chuckle rumbled under her cheek. “Curious?”

  “You know all about my sordid past with Tony.” Her shoulder lifted in a shrug. “I really don’t know much about you and I figured after what we just shared, I should know a little more than that you have a brother and two sisters and your parents own a place in Montana.”

  After several minutes he started to talk while he trailed his hand down her arm. “I met Rachel during my residency in New York. She was used to the finer things in life. Her family owns a condo on Central Park.”


  “Yeah.” He sighed. “Anyway, we dated for about a year and when I was offered the position here in Tennessee, she refused to move with me. She didn’t want any part of ‘hick country’ as she put it. She hated when I rode rodeo on the weekends. I moved here. She stayed in New York.”

  She frowned. I’d almost forgotten how much of a cowboy he is. “How long has it been since you’ve seen her?”

  “Over a year.”

  “You’ve been in Tennessee for quite a while, then”


  “How often do you ride rodeo?”

  “Every chance I get. I love to ride. Someday I want a place of my own to raise horses and cattle—a big place.”

  Her hand stopped the slow caress of his chest.

  The last thing I want is a cowboy. Or do I?

  She pushed herself up and swung her legs over the side of the bed before she grabbed her bathrobe lying over the chair.


  She stood and cinched the belt tight. “I’m going to make some coffee.” Without a glance behind her, she headed for the kitchen. Methodically, she poured grounds into the basket on the coffee maker and put water in the carafe.

  He slid his hands onto her shoulders and she fought the shiver that ran through her body with his touch. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”


  Forcing her to turn toward him, he put his finger under her chin and brought her face up so she’d have to look him in the eye.

  At least he put his pants back on.

  “Baby, come on. I can tell something’s bugging you.”

  “I hardly know you and I just let you fuck me.”

  “And? It’s not like I picked you up in a bar, Savannah.”

  At least I wouldn’t feel like I’m half in love with you already if you had.

  She snorted and said, “Might as well have.”

  He dropped his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. “What’s gotten into you?”

  Pulling her pride around her like a shield to guard her heart, she said, “Well maybe this morning will get me what I want since you didn’t want to buy into the whole baby-making thing.”

  “Excuse me? You didn’t just say that.”

  Tears burned the back of her eyelids, but she refused to cry. “Since we didn’t use any protection and I’m not on birth control,” she shrugged, “maybe it’ll happen without any planning on either of our parts. My parents will get their grandchild and I’ll at least know the father of my baby.”

  He dropped his head back on his shoulders before leveling a molten stare on her and she had to fight the trepidation his look sent clear to her toes. His lips slashed into a firm line across his mouth and he planted his hands on his hip. “I guess you really are a bitch. Heaven help a child born between us because let me assure you of one thing. You’d have one hell of a fight on your hands for any child born with my genes.”

  She gasped when his words rushed over her, but he’d already spun around and headed for the bedroom. A moment later, he came out fully dressed.

  “I guess I’ll see you around.” His eyes narrowed. “Do let me know if you are pregnant and don’t try to keep it a secret, Savannah. Believe me, I’ll find out one way or another.”

  With his parting words, he slammed out of her apartment. She sank onto the couch, curled into a ball, and cried.

  * * * *

  Brandon swung his leg over the saddle and settled himself comfortably. He loved the rodeo and his favorite event happened to be steer-wrestling. It helped that he did well whenever he competed. He ran his hand over the neck of the gelding under him to calm the restless animal.

  “It’s okay, boy. We’ll be up shortly.”

  The horse nickered and shifted.

  “Do I need to get you back to your friend’s, big boy?”

  “Hey, Brandon.”

  He squinted against the glare of the sun before he recognized one of the guys he normally competed against. “Hey, Jack. How have you been? I haven’t seen you around much.”

  “Broke my leg several weeks ago. Just got the cast off last Wednesday.”

  “You ridin' today?”

  “Nah. Just came to wat
ch.” The other man’s gaze scanned the crowd. “Looks like a good crowd this weekend.”

  “Yeah.” Brandon let his stare wander over the throng of people for a moment before it returned to Jack. “How’s your wife?”

  “Oh, she’s good. Stayed home this weekend with the baby getting close and all.”

  “When’s she due?”

  “Next week.”

  “Good she stayed home then. I really don’t feel like delivering a baby out here.”

  Jack laughed. “At least we know we have a doctor in the house.”

  Brandon smiled for a second, but when thoughts of Savannah possibly being pregnant drifted across his mind, his mouth turned down into a frown.

  “Hey? You okay?”

  His focus returned to his friend. “Yeah. Just thinking.”

  “Next up, Brandon Cooper. Our very own hometown doctor come to try his luck steer-wrestling today. Let’s give it up, folks.”

  The crowd cheered.

  “I wish they wouldn’t say that.”

  Jack laughed and Brandon kicked his horse to move into position behind the barrier. He backed him up and held his breath for a moment while he watched the steer in the roping shoot shift and paw at the dirt. His eyes narrowed and he nodded slightly to tell them to release the animal.

  A second later, the steer shot out like a bullet with Brandon hot on his heels. The hazer kept the animal moving in the right direction and when Brandon got close enough, he leaned off his horse and grabbed the animal by the horns. He planted his booted heels in the dirt, making dust fly in every direction before he flipped the steer on its side. The buzzer sounded and Brandon let the animal go.

  “Three point six seconds. Outstanding time. Let’s give the cowboy a hand, folks.”

  Brandon picked up the hat he’d lost on the run, smacked it against his jeans to beat some of the dust off, and headed for the fence. He climbed over and landed on his feet with a thud.

  “Hey, Brandon.”

  He shielded his eyes and caught the sight of a shapely pair of legs encased in a tight set of jeans. His gaze traveled past a petite waist to large breasts almost spilling out of a pink blouse to red lips and then green eyes. “Hi. Do I know you?”

  Her perfectly-arched eyebrow shot up and she cocked her head to the side. “No, but I’d like to get to know you.”

  He smiled. “Well, now. That could be arranged. What’s your name, honey?”


  “Mmm...Melissa, huh?”


  “How old are you, Melissa?”

  “Old enough to buy beer.”

  He let his gaze wander from her big hair, over her plump lips before it settled on her breasts, and then returned to her face.

  “With fake ID, maybe.”

  Her lips pursed and she frowned. “Got a problem with younger women?”

  “Not usually, unless they turn out to be jail bait and you, honey, are jail bait.”

  Her shoulders squared and she grumbled under her breath before she spun on her booted heels and disappeared into the crowd. Brandon shook his head and walked over to retrieve his horse from the handlers.

  A tall, dark-haired woman standing near the fence caught his attention. Long legs peeks out beneath a jean skirt, slightly curling hair that hung down her back, and a trim waist. Savannah? His eyes narrowed and he willed the woman to turn around.

  As if she sensed his gaze on her back, she turned and he sighed in disappointment. He shook his head and headed back to his truck.

  * * * *

  Savannah’s eyes widened when the words sank in. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m perfectly serious. It’s not like you don’t know how these things happen, Savannah. You are a physician, after all.”

  “Well yes, but...”

  “By my best guess, I’d say you are about eight weeks.”

  This can’t be happening. She closed her eyes and sighed. God! I wasn’t serious when I said something about getting pregnant to Brandon! She bit her lip.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No,” Savannah whispered.

  A hand came down on her shoulder and she fought the tears brimming on her lashes.

  “I take it this wasn’t planned?”

  A dry chuckle left her lips. “Planned by whom? If you mean me—no. My parents? Yes.” She fought a hysterical laughter bubbling in her throat. “God! This is just perfect!” I’m pregnant by a man who hates me.

  “I’ll leave you now to get dressed. When you’re ready, meet me at the desk and I’ll give you your prescriptions and set up another appointment for a month from now.”

  “Thanks, Mandy.”

  “You’re welcome.” The physician patted her hand a moment. “It’ll be okay.” She wrapped her arms around Savannah and hugged her. “You’re going to have a baby and I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful mother.”

  The door shut softly behind the other woman and tears rolled down Savannah’s cheeks. The last eight weeks since she’d slept with Brandon had been hell. They'd avoided each other like the plague at work, only talking when absolutely necessary. Every once in a while, she could feel his heated gaze on her flesh, but when she’d take the chance and look in his direction, he’d quickly look away.

  One afternoon he’d come into the supply room where she was searching for a laceration kit to sew up a patient.

  His voice sent shivers down her arms when he said, “Doctor Gibson.” A smirk rested on his lips as his gaze traveled down her body slowly then back to her face.

  “Doctor Cooper.” She grabbed the package near her and moved to leave, but he stood in between her and the door. “Excuse me.”

  He cocked an eyebrow before he stepped aside and let her pass. The scent of his cologne and the musk of Brandon sent her heart to her toes.

  Now, she sat on the exam table and relived how he’d made her body sing for his when they’d made love. She couldn’t fault him. She was the one who had instigated the encounter, inviting him into the shower with her. Her nipples puckered when she remembered his mouth on them and how he had sucked her clit into his mouth—shit!

  “This is ridiculous.” She slipped off the table and got dressed.

  Several moments later, she sat behind the steering wheel of her car and stared out the windshield. She inhaled a ragged breath, fighting the tears threatening to fall again before she started her car and backed out of the parking lot.

  When she made it home, she pushed open her front door and threw her purse across the counter. She headed for the refrigerator for a bottle of water, only to be pulled up against a firm chest behind her. A large hand clamped down on her mouth, stifling the scream before it could pass her lips.

  Chapter Seven

  “You thought I’d forget, huh, Savannah?”


  She tried to pry his fingers from her mouth, but he wasn’t letting go.

  “Those fuckers wouldn’t even let me bail out of jail the night you had your boyfriend the cop drag me in. I had to spend two fucking nights locked up with those mother-fuckers.” He pushed her down on the couch and stood over her.

  “I’m sorry, Tony.” She shrank away from the fury in his eyes.

  “No you’re not! You planned that whole thing, didn’t you?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You invited me over here—talked about how your parents wanted you to have a grandchild for them and then came onto me...”

  “I didn’t come onto you, Tony. You tried to force yourself on me.”

  “You’re a fucking tease! A lying bitch!” His hand came down hard across her cheek in a slap that snapped her head around. She whimpered and tried to curl into a ball. “You wanted it. You always wanted it—even in high school. You practically begged me to fuck you that first night.” He grabbed a fist full of hair and forced her to sit back up. His mouth ground against hers, smashing her lips against her teeth until she tasted blood. She pushed aga
inst his chest until he released her mouth.


  “That’s it, baby. Beg me for it. You know you want me to fuck you like I used to. Hard and rough.” He chuckled. “You always did like it a bit on the sadistic side.”

  “Stop it!” She tried to knee him in the balls, but he managed to avoid her blow.

  “Ah. Not again, baby. I’m onto your tricks this time.”

  He yanked her off the couch by her arm and forced her to stand in front of him with one hand clamped onto her breast. She moaned with pain when he pinched her already-tender nipples.

  “See you want it rough.”

  “Please, don’t do this.”

  Spinning her around, he slapped her again and forced her against the wall with his body. “I should do you just like this.” He tugged at her jeans with grunts and groans.

  Tears spilled down her cheeks and sobs wracked her body. “You’ll hurt my baby, Tony. Please don’t hurt my baby.”

  He froze. Ragged breaths rasped against her cheek. His chest pressed against her breast, hard and firm. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, hoping the thought of a child would keep him from forcing himself on her.

  “Fuck!” He let her go and stepped back. His fingers cut a path through his short hair as he cussed again. The hatred in his eyes scorched her to her soul and she shivered. “This isn’t over, Savannah.”

  She slid down the wall and winced when the door slammed behind him.

  Several moments later, something sticky coated her leg and the smell of fresh blood met her nose. She bit her lip and reached for the phone.

  “Nine one one. What’s your emergency?”

  “I need an ambulance. I’ve been assaulted and I think I’m losing my baby.”

  * * * *

  “Doctor Cooper?”

  He forced his attention back to the x-ray in front of him. “Yeah?”

  “You should have taken tonight off. You look beat.”

  A dry chuckle left his lips and he focused on the face of the nurse. “Thanks for your concern, Kristi. I am. I haven’t been sleeping well.”

  She cocked an eyebrow and said, “When do you sleep? You’re here all the time.”