9781618857279MakeMineaCowboySullivanNC Page 9
“Walk with me.”
“All right,” she answered, deciding to see where this whole thing might be leading. Did Joel push her off on his brother because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings by saying he wasn’t attracted to her? Did Jason think she wanted him?
She let Jason take her hand and walk her out the front door of the main lodge to the chairs lining the porch. Even though the full moon happened the night before, it still shone bright enough to see the walkway.
“You look beautiful in the moonlight.”
“Thank you.”
“You know, the kiss we shared last night blew my socks off. I wish you hadn’t made me leave.”
Frowning, she opened her mouth to tell him she knew he wasn’t Joel, but he bent his head and kissed her full on the mouth. She quickly stepped back and smacked him across the face. “How dare you.”
“Do you think I’m stupid? Do both of you think I wouldn’t know the difference between you, Jason?”
“You knew I wasn’t Joel?”
“Hell yes! Even if I hadn’t figured it out at dinner, I would have known from the kiss.”
“Most people can’t tell the difference between us.”
“Joel has an abrasion near the left side of his mouth from where he got in a fight with Joshua at the bar last night.”
“What the hell is going on here? Why the ruse?”
“I’ll tell you, Mesa,” Joel said, coming around the side of the house. “I was pissed off at myself this morning because of what happened last night. Our kiss, I mean.”
“Well you know what? Fuck both of you! You want to play these sillyassed games, you can play them on some other unsuspecting woman. I’m not doin’ it.”
“Mesa, listen,” Joel implored, holding out his hand to touch her arm.
She jerked back and slapped at him. “No. This is childish. I can’t believe you two! I thought I might have meant a little more to you than this, Joel, but apparently not. What we shared last night was special to me, but not to you. I’m just another girl to you.”
“No, you’re not, Mesa.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She spun around to head back into the house. Maybe it was time to go. Head back to Los Angeles and lick her wounds.
“Mesa, please.”
“What Joel?” She turned back around.
“Let’s talk about this.”
“What the hell is there to talk about? You and your brother were playing me for the fool. How many times have you three switched places on a girl, huh? I bet a lot.”
“Yes.” During her discussion with Joel, Jason had disappeared either back into the house or whatever. At this point, she really didn’t care. He probably slinked back into his hidy hole. Man, if she ever became a permanent part of this family, she’d…what? Those are crazy thoughts.
Joel slipped his hand along the side of her face before burying his hand in her hair. He dragged her in closer with a fistful of her hair at the back of her neck. “I want you.”
“You made a fool of me.”
“No, I wanted to make sure it was me you wanted.” His lips whispered over hers. The softness skimmed across her cheek to her ear. “I need you.”
“Need is a powerful word.”
“It’s totally what I’m feeling, but I can’t promise you anything beyond tonight.”
“I don’t need anything more.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, listing his head to look into her eyes. The blue glistened in the moonlight like a beacon for her lost soul.
“Yes. I need you. I need this.”
“Your room or my place?”
“You have somewhere we can go?”
“Yeah. I have my own cabin a few miles up the road.”
“Make love to me, Joel. Fuck me.”
He pulled her head back as he raked his teeth along her neck. Shivers raced down her arms as a soft moan escaped her mouth. “Come home with me.”
“Yes, please.”
He looked deep into her eyes for a moment as if judging whether she was serious or not. Little did he know, she’d wanted this from the first time he’d kissed her or maybe it was when she had her breasts squished to his back as they rode in the rain back to the house? Who cared?
“Let’s go,” he said, grabbing her hand and half dragging her to where his truck stood in the parking lot behind the main lodge.
“A little horny are we?”
“Hell yeah. A lot horny. You’ve had me wound up tighter than a damned spring from the moment you climbed up behind me to rest those gorgeous breasts against my back.” He opened the door on the driver’s side of his truck, practically shoving her inside the cab by the seat of her pants. “Sorry, baby.”
Oh I love the little endearments coming from his mouth now that we’re going to have sex. “You can call me all the little pet names you want.”
He grinned as he turned over the truck and shot gravel behind it as he tore out of the drive. “You have no idea how much I want this.”
“If I’m judging your craving to mine, I bet I do.”
“How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”
“Several months. You?”
“Me too.”
“You do have condoms, right?”
“Yeah. A few.” He grinned.
“I hope you plan on using several tonight.”
“Oh, no problem there, babe.”
Damn, he almost sounds cocky. Well, why wouldn’t he be? He could probably have any woman he wants. She frowned, feeling a bit self-conscious at her rounded little stomach and even rounder hips. She wasn’t a skinny woman by any means.
“Why the frown?”
“No, baby. Tell me. No secrets tonight.”
She bit her lip.
“Come on.”
“I’m just not the skinny little cowgirls you’re used to.”
“I’m not into skinny.”
“I’m not into jailbait either, Mesa. I like you the way you are. Rounded curves and enough softness for me to sink myself into. I don’t plan on coming out until tomorrow mornin’. You okay with that?”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive, babe.” He grabbed her hand to place it on his groin.
The hardness behind his fly let her know he wanted her…needed her. God, he’s huge!
“I hope you plan on goin’ easy on me.”
“Like I said, I haven’t had sex in a bit and you aren’t exactly small.”
“I’ll take care of you.”
Within moments, they pulled up to a small cabin with a porch around the front. It wasn’t anything huge by any means. Just small enough for a single man, or a couple maybe. Get those thoughts out of your head. You’re only here for a few days.
“Nice place.”
“Thanks. It’s not much, but it’s got a king sized bed.”
“That’ll do for tonight then.” King sized bed and Joel for the night? Hell yeah!
No lights shone from the windows. White curtains blew in the breeze of the one open to the left front corner. The house wasn’t decorated at all. No woman’s touch anywhere.
“Sorry. It’s kind of a mess.”
“A bachelor lives here. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” Dishes were piled in the small sink to her right as they walked through the door. He had a stove, refrigerator and a few cabinets to hold dishes, she assumed. The couch in front of the fireplace would make for great cozy nights. She shook her head. She didn’t need to go there.
“This way.” He took her hand and led her back down the hall to the first door on the right. “There’s a bathroom to your left if you need it.”
“Thanks,” she said, walking through the small doorway and shutting it behind her. The florescent lighting over the mirror showed her wild hair from Joel running his hands through it. Her eyes were bright. The pup
ils dilated. Her lips were puffy from his kiss. All in all, she looked like a slut. “Great.” She ran her fingers through her hair to try and straighten it out a little before she went back out there. “Okay, really Mesa. I don’t think he cares what your hair looks like except if it’s the hair between your legs.”
Oh, crap! I didn’t shave my legs this morning. What if they are stubbly? I didn’t shave my bikini line lately either. Shit!
“Mesa? Are you okay, babe?”
“I’m fine, Joel. I’ll be out in a second.”
“I’ve got some wine. We can sit and relax for a bit. No hurry on this.” It sounded like he ran his knuckles on the door. “I mean, we can talk a while or whatever.”
“Okay.” Could he tell her nerves were shot? Probably. He definitely was trying to soothe them. She used the restroom, washed her hands, and then opened the door. Joel stood on the other side with a little smile lifting the corners of his mouth.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“Come with me,” he said, taking her hand. With his hat now gone the light reflected in a blue-black sheen on his curls. “We can watch television, talk or whatever you want to do. We don’t even have to have sex if you’ve changed your mind.”
“I haven’t. Have you?” she asked, taking a seat next to him on the couch.
“No, but I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of caveman. You’re comfort means everything to me.”
She wiped her sweaty palms along the thighs of her jeans.
“Are you nervous?”
“Yeah, a little,” she said with a shrug. “I’ve never had casual sex before.”
He ran his fingers along her jaw. “I’ve never been in a relationship, so I guess it makes us even.”
“Well, nothin’ serious anyway. I’ve dated a couple of women for a period of time, but it never got serious on my part.”
She frowned. He smoothed his thumb between her eyes.
“What’s the frown for?”
“I was thinking about my ex.”
“A hint here, Mesa. Guys don’t want to hear you’re thinking about your ex when they’re about to have sex with you.”
She turned to face him as she placed her hand on his chest. “No, nothing like that. I wasn’t comparing you by any means. There’s nothing to compare with. I mean, you’re lean, muscular and drop dead gorgeous. Those eyes could melt chocolate and you know how much women love chocolate. He didn’t have any of those things.”
“What were you comparing then?”
“I wasn’t comparing anything. I had a thought about how my relationship with him seems so different than this with you. When I went out with him, things moved very slowly. We didn’t have sex for six months after we met. Even then, it wasn’t anything to write home about.” With a giggle, she covered her mouth. “Not like I would write my mother about my sex life, but you know what I mean.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I do. There’ve been a few women I wouldn’t make love to twice.”
“Really? I thought all guys were just in it for the end result. You know, gettin’ their rocks off.”
“Not if they are any good, they aren’t. It’s more fun for me to make sure the woman has several orgasms when I’m with her.”
The lump in her throat almost choked her. “Several?”
He leaned in and ran his tongue along her jawline until he reached her ear. “Yeah, several.”
Holy shit, he’s got one sexy voice. The lower rumble of his voice threw her heart into overdrive. The slow seep of moisture between her thighs surprised her. She never got this wet with her ex. Not from only a whisper in her ear. Those were things she wrote about in her novels, not something she experienced for herself. She swallowed hard.
“Um, Joel?”
“Yeah?” he asked, sliding his tongue around her earlobe.
“Damn, you’re good.”
He chuckled softly as he nipped the fleshy part of her ear between his teeth. She closed her eyes, letting the feelings overwhelm her. Hooking up with him probably wasn’t a good idea, but every time he got close to her, she couldn’t think of anything except getting him between the sheets to see how good he really was.
One hand slipped up her stomach to cup her breast. Two of his fingers plucked at her nipple through her bra and her whole world tilted on its axis. She’d always known her nipples were sensitive, but the slight pain of his pinch sent her body into a spiral of need.
His hand disappeared, reappearing under her shirt, pushing her bra out of the way. The warmth of his hand on her breast brought a moan to her lips. Seconds later, her shirt found its way over her head to leave her sitting on his lap in just her bra and jeans.
“God, you’re gorgeous. All curves.”
“You mean fat.”
“No, curves. I love curves on a woman. I’m not into skinny like a rail. I want something to hold onto when I’m pounding my cock into your sweet heat.”
“I want you to.”
“Shall we head into the other room where it’s more comfortable? Not that I wouldn’t love to make you come a dozen times right here on the couch first.”
“A dozen?” She gulped a lungful of air as shivers raked her body.
“Oh yeah.”
He stood with her in his arms and headed down the small hall toward the bedroom. She hadn’t got a good look at the bedroom when they came down here before, but she did now. He didn’t have a lot of furniture. Just a bed, a small nightstand, and a dresser. The deep blue comforter on the bed seemed typical guy décor. A shade on the window gave him privacy, but did nothing to soften the room. No curtains hung there. Nothing to indicate a woman had ever called this space home. Someday, one would, though. When, she didn’t know and didn’t want to think about right now, but yeah, someday he would bring a wife here until they could build a bigger home for children.
“You’re thinking too much,” he whispered, from behind her as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Yeah, probably.”
He cupped her breasts in both hands and tugged her back against his chest. “Your skin is so soft. I could eat you up.”
“I hope you do.”
“Oh, I plan on it, baby. I’m gonna eat you until you scream my name.”
“I don’t think it’ll take much.”
“Good.” He licked the side of her neck before he nipped at her collarbone. “I can’t wait to feel you ripple around me.”
He skimmed one hand down her abdomen, flicking open the button at her waist on his way to pulling her zipper down. The moment he had her pants parted, he slipped one hand under the waistband of her underwear to push a finger deep inside her pussy. “You’re wet, darlin’.”
“You’ve made me wet, Joel, with your sexy voice, wicked tongue, and demanding nips.”
“You’ll be wetter before I’m done with you.”
“Promises, promises.”
“Oh yeah.”
She widened her stance to allow him better access as he ran his wet finger over her clit. Her whole body shook. The man was wicked. Sex on a stick.
The elastic of her bra gave way to his insistent fingers, loosening around her breasts until it barely hung on her body. She drew the cups down over her breasts, letting it slide completely off to the floor at her feet. “You need to be undressed, too.”
“I will. For now, I’m enjoying your beautiful breasts. I love your nipples. Rosy, hard, and standing straight out. I wish I had a set of nipple clamps for them.”
“Nipple clamps?”
“Have you ever had them on?”
“No, but I’ve heard of them.”
“Yours are perfect for a set.”
He pinched her nipples, causing her to close her eyes and moan from deep in her chest. The next thing she felt was his hands on her hips, pushing her pants to the floor. “Step out.”
Doing what he told her felt natural, but a little scary. She wasn’t one to ta
ke orders very well normally. She started to turn around until he held her in place.
“Uh-uh.” He pulled her arms behind her, binding her wrist with his hands. “I like my sex a little rough. How about you?”
“What do you mean by rough?”
“Spankings, hard sex. Fuck me like you mean it.”
“Spankings? I’ve never liked those.”
“Ever had an erotic spanking?”
“Can’t say I have.” She shivered as he ran his hands from her breasts to her hips, and then smacked her on the right butt cheek. The groan escaping her mouth surprised her. Maybe she did like erotic spankings after all or spankings in general.
He chuckled as he did it again. “Sounds to me like you enjoy a little pain with your sex.”
“Maybe. I’ve never had anyone do the things you’re doing to me before.”
“It’ll be a brand new experience for you then.”
She rubbed her burning butt cheeks against the roughness of his denim jeans. She wondered what it would feel like if he really got going?
“Another time.”
Damn the man! Why does it seem like he knows what I’m thinkin’?
“Your eyes are very expressive. I can usually tell what you’re thinking by seeing your eyes. Right now, you’re turned on by what I did.” He pushed his fingers into her pussy. “You can’t hide your body’s response.”
“How can you see my eyes? You’re behind me.”
“Look toward the dresser.”
She hadn’t noticed it before but a large mirror reflected their bodies in the most erotic way she’d ever seen. She frowned as she saw the pooch of her stomach and the roundness of her hips.
His handed landed a blow to her thigh. “Ouch.”
“That wasn’t meant to turn you on. Punishment comes in different forms. You won’t frown at this body when you look in the mirror. It’s mine for now and I love how it looks.”
He smacked her thigh again. “Mine. Do you hear me?”
“Now look at it as I see it. Beautiful, high breasts.” He cupped her breasts, lifting them. “Gorgeous rosy nipples.” He pinched her nipples between his thumb and first finger. “Mine.”
His hands skimmed down her abdomen before resting on her hips. “These hips are curvy with just the right amount of padding. I won’t have to worry about breaking something if I fuck you hard from behind.”