Strictly Professional: Stud Services Page 8
“Sure. Do you want me to follow you?”
“That’s perfect. I’m parked out this way.” She pulled Tony with her toward where her car sat parked, passing Brandon in the doorway. She fought a giggle that threatened to rise to her lips at the look on his face. “’Night, Brandon. Have a nice evening. I know I’m going to.”
When she reached her car, she spared a look to where Brandon’s bike sat. He stood next to it, glaring at her. She wiggled her fingers in a small wave and felt the zip of satisfaction when his eyes narrowed.
She turned toward Tony and told him to meet her out front of the parking garage so he could follow her home. Once she had slid behind the steering wheel of her car, she dared to look in Brandon’s direction only to realize he wasn’t paying any attention to her now. A disappointed sigh left her lips before she backed out and left the garage.
A bit later, she pulled into her apartment complex with Tony behind her. Putting the car in neutral, she set the brake and stepped out.
“Right this way.”
“I’m kind of surprised, Savannah.”
They walked toward the stairs that led to her place. “At what?”
“You don’t have a nicer place than this with your parent’s money.”
“I pay my own way, Tony. If anyone should understand, it’s you.” She pushed open the door and laid her keys on the table.
He shrugged. “I guess. You always hated taking anything from them—even if it’s your right.”
“It’s not my right. It’s their money, not mine. I live on what I make.”
“But it will be yours someday.”
“If I ever have a child,” she mumbled.
“No. What did you say? Something about a child?”
She grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator and offered him one. They sat down on her couch and she let the long neck dangle between her fingers. “For years, my parents have hounded me and my sisters about a grandchild. This past weekend we all met at the main house and my father gave us an ultimatum. Have a child or no trust fund.”
“Really? Wow. I never thought he’d ever do that.”
He lifted the bottle to his lips and she was taken back to when they were teenagers for a moment. The man knew how to make her want him back then.
“Well he did.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“Any prospects?”
She choked on the slug of beer she’d just taken from the bottle. “You mean of a father?”
He shrugged and a smile lifted his mouth. “Yeah.”
“What about me?”
“Sure. I mean, we used to be good together.” He moved closer and slipped his hand into the hair near her ear. The warmth of his breath flittered across her cheek and she closed her eyes. “You know I can make pretty babies. Just look at Molly.” His lips nibbled at the corners of her mouth, daring her to take what he offered.
“What about your wife?” she asked in a whisper.
Savannah moved back far enough she could look into his face. “Yeah. I mean, she died only a week ago.”
“Stacy and I didn’t have much of a marriage anymore.”
She pushed against his chest until he moved away. “What do you mean?”
“We were only still married because of Molly. My daughter is my life, but Stacy and I had already started seeing other people. I'm not saying I didn't love her back when we got married, but you were the one who had my heart, Savannah.” He moved close again. “I want you.”
His lips trailed across her cheek and then fastened on her mouth. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened for him and allowed the intimate contact. She wanted to feel the same rush of heady sensation she'd felt when Brandon touched her, but she didn’t.
Please. I want to feel something.
She threw herself against his chest and deepened the kiss. He left her mouth and trailed kisses down her throat while his hands worked at the buttons on her blouse. When his hand reached inside and grasped her breast, she pushed him away and stood. “I can’t do this, Tony.” The buttons on her blouse found their holes again when she fastened them back up.
“I’ll be damned if you’re going to turn me down.” He forced her up against the wall, grabbed the front of her blouse in his fist, and pulled until the buttons flew in several different directions. His mouth crashed down on hers and she whimpered under his assault. He moved down her neck, biting the tender flesh while she squirmed, trying to get free.
“Let. Me. Go.”
“Not on your life, baby. I’ve dreamt about doing you again for years.” He popped the button on her pants and forced the zipper down. “You’ll love it just like you used to.”
She forced her knee between his legs, pretending to want to caress his balls with her thigh.
“That’s it. Oh, yeah. Can you feel how much I want you?”
“I’m going to tell you one more time, Tony. Let me go before you get hurt.”
An almost maniacal laugh met her ear before he stuck his tongue inside and swirled it around. She shuddered and pushed at his chest.
A moment later, her knee connected with a well-placed jab to his nuts and he dropped to the floor. She reached over, grabbed her phone, and dialed 911.
“Nine one one. What’s your emergency?”
“I need a police officer at my house. Is John Carter on duty?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Send him to two four zero five, twenty-first street.”
“Right away, ma’am. Do you need an ambulance?”
“Not yet, but maybe. I’ll call back if I do.”
Savannah hung up the phone and turned to see Tony still moaning on the floor. “I would suggest you stay right there, Tony.”
“You bitch!” he growled.
“You’ll think so if you move again.”
She sat down on the couch and waited until a knock sounded on her door.
“Come on in, John.”
The big burly cop walked into her house and his eyes widened when he saw the man lying on the floor. “You called? What happened to him?”
“I nailed him in the nuts when he tried to force himself on me.”
“You want him arrested.”
“Yep. Think you can do that for me, John?”
“No problem.” John gripped Tony by the shirt front and hauled him to his feet.
“Do you know who I am?”
“I sure do Mr. Sanders, but I couldn’t really give a shit if you were trying to force yourself on this nice lady.”
“Nice lady? She threw herself at me. She begged me to fuck her!”
John took Tony’s arm and forced it up behind him. He snapped the cuffs on Tony’s wrist and growled in his ear, “I would suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut, mister. I happen to know Doctor Gibson very well and she would never do what you are suggesting. Now, you have the right to remain silent and I suggest you do. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to an attorney and have an attorney present with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire. If you choose to talk to the police, you have the right to end the interview at any time. Do you understand each of these rights as I've explained them to you?”
“Oh! So she’s given it up to you, has she? I bet she’s fucked half the damned town.”
John ratcheted the cuffs a little tighter. "Do you understand your rights as I've explained them?"
“Ow! Those are too damned tight, asshole.”
“You’re lucky I don’t put them around your nuts, buddy. Now let’s go. You’ve got a date with a cell downtown.”
John escorted Tony out of her door, but the parting comment from Tony had her quaking in fear. “You’ll r
egret this, Savannah! Your daddy’s money won’t be able to protect you when I get done with you!”
Savannah rubbed her arms, pulled her shirt around her, and shut the door. Her body started to shake uncontrollably and she forced her hands between her knees, trying to calm the tremors. The tinkling sound of her cell phone met her ear and she struggled to her feet to retrieve it from her bag.
Her voice sounded upset even to her when she said, “Hello?”
The deep timbre of Brandon’s voice echoed from the phone. “Savannah?”
“What’s wrong? You sound upset?”
“Tony...” she swallowed, forcing the lump down so she could speak, but it only came out in a sob.
“I’ll be right there.”
Chapter Six
Within moments, he came through her door and gathered her to his side. Tears streaked down her cheeks and fell to his chest. “It’s okay. Everything will be fine. I won’t let him hurt you.” He didn’t know what to do with the rage zipping through him. When he came through the door, the ripped blouse, her tear stained face, and tortured eyes sent his heart to his toes. What had the other man done to her?
After several minutes, her tears turned to hiccups, but she didn’t move from his embrace. She stayed gripping his shirt in her hand like if she let go, he would disappear.
“You should put something else on,” he whispered as his lips grazed the curls tickling his chin.
She shook her head.
Her warm breath caressed the skin of his neck and he had to fight the desire rushing through his veins. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing. Maybe if he heard the story of what went on, the need to lay her back on the couch and finish what they'd started earlier would dissipate.
“Tell me what happened.”
At first he didn’t think she would answer, but after a couple of moments, she cleared her throat and started to talk. “He came over here with me and I told him what my parents said about having a baby. He said he hadn’t had a marriage to his wife in a long time and that I’m the only one he’s ever loved. I tried to feel something—anything, but I couldn’t. His touch made my skin crawl.” Her hand released his shirt and trailed down his chest. Ah fuck! “Not like yours.” Holy shit!
He grabbed her hand in his to stop her movement. “Savannah.”
She tipped her head back and he looked down into the deep pools of brown framed by her long eyelashes. “Hold me, Brandon. Just hold me.”
His heart stopped beating for a second before it slammed against his ribs. “All night if you want me to.”
Savannah pushed away from him and stood. She took his hand in hers, drew him to his feet, and led him into her bedroom. The light flipped on and her space greeted him. The soft pastels of the room reminded him of her and the soft side he’d seen when she had comforted Molly. Her bed had a white, wrought iron headboard and footboard with porcelain accents gracing each spindle. A stark white comforter with small pink flowers lay across the mattress and several small pillows with matching white and pink sat perched near the top.
He hadn’t realized it, but while he'd stood admiring her space, she’d stripped off the torn blouse and pulled a long t-shirt over her frame. She dropped her scrub pants to the floor and turned to face him. A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth and he felt like he’d been gut-punched. Her hand found his chest and he had to fight to breathe.
“I don’t want anything from you. Just wrap me in your arms and sleep beside me. I don’t want to be alone.”
Like he could tell her no. His body screamed to fuck her, pull her legs around his hips, and drive his cock deep into her pussy, but his heart said no. She needed him to be the white knight, the savior, and the all-around good guy tonight.
“Let me get rid of my shoes and socks.” He moved to the side of the bed, sat down, and pulled them off. He shimmied up near the top of the bed under sheet and said, “Come here.”
She slid into his embrace and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she snuggled to his side and placed her head on his chest.
“Mmm.” His fingers found a silky path down her arm.
“For what?”
“This.” She placed her hand on his heart and snuggled against him.
Several minutes later, her breathing became regular and he knew she slept.
* * * *
The sun peered through the faded curtains on the window, pulling him from his dream of Savannah wrapped against his side. His eyes opened slowly and he looked around the room, finally realizing he wasn’t home and the warmth snuggled to his side really was Savannah. The scent of strawberries met his nose and he inhaled slowly, savoring her sweet, intoxicating smell.
He let his hand wander down her arm and she purred in her sleep like a kitten as she fit herself closer still. The moment she came awake and aware of her surroundings became apparent when she stiffened in his embrace.
She tipped her head back and looked up. “Good morning.”
“Mornin'.’” He brushed the hair back from her forehead. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good, thanks to you.”
He fought a groan when her breast brushed against his side.
“I’m going to take a shower.”
She rolled away and he fought the urge to follow her into the bathroom. Once the door closed between them, he released a tortured moan and pressed one hand against his dick while he threw the other arm over his eyes. Down boy!
The water rushed through the pipes and his expressive mind conjured up all sorts of images of her naked breasts, with their dark aureoles puckered tight and waiting for his mouth.
His eyes popped open and there she stood behind the door, peering around the corner. “Yeah?”
She chewed her lip for a moment before she said, “Would you like to join me?”
Air whooshed from his lungs and a groan tripped from between his lips. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”
She nodded. “More than anything.”
The t-shirt whipped over his head before his hand found the button at his waist. He focused on her face and had to smile when she took her bottom lip between her teeth and skimmed down his body with her gaze. His jeans and boxers slipped to the floor and he walked toward her, his stiff cock bobbing against his stomach.
He flattened his palm against the door and she stepped back a couple of steps. Steam floated on the air from behind the shower curtain, making the hair near her temples curl from the humidity. His shaking hand reached out to graze her nipple and she tipped her head back with a soft moan. Her eyelids fluttered closed. Long hair fell in waves to the middle of her back and he couldn’t wait to wrap his hand in it. He touched the base of her throat with his lips, where her pulse beat like a bird trying to break free. Her skin felt soft and he fought to keep things slow. He had no idea how long it had been for her, but for him, it had been too long. Too damned long.
He moved toward her ear and traced the shell with his tongue. A shiver rolled across her skin and he smiled against her throat. “You smell good.”
Her lips found his shoulder and she nibbled at his skin before she soothed the sting. She slipped her hand down his chest until her warm hand wrapped around his cock, stroking up and down. He grabbed her hand to stop her movement and she looked at him with a worried expression, like she’d done something wrong. “Babe, if you keep that up, this will be over way before I’m ready for it to be.”
She smiled, took his hand in hers, and led him under the stream of water. A moment later, he groaned when her slick, soapy hands slid across his chest. “You’re a witch.”
“Mmm...are you complaining?”
“Not in the least, baby. I love your hands on me.”
She forced him under the stream of water to rinse the stop away. “Good. How about my mouth?”
He didn’t think his cock could get any harder, but it
did. It felt like it wanted to bust wide open when she dropped to her knees and took him between her lips. “Holy fuck, Savannah.” He wrapped his hands in her hair and slid his dick in and out of her mouth for several minutes before he forced her to stop.
Pulling her back up in front of him, he crushed her to his chest and devoured her, sliding his tongue deep inside the warm cavern to dance with hers. He moved along her cheek to her ear, whispering how fantastic she was and how much he wanted to be inside her. She moaned and pushed her breasts against him. He trailed kisses down her chest until he could take her nipple in his mouth and suck. Her fingers wound into his hair and held his head to her chest. One hand slid down her belly and she lifted one leg onto the ledge of the shower to open for him. He slipped one finger across her clit and she whimpered. Her swollen little nub beaconed for his touch, but he wanted to feel her grip him with her tight little pussy like she had at the hospital. Two fingers found their way into her channel and she rocked her hips.
“Brandon. Please.”
“Soon, baby. Soon.”
“I need you. God, please.”
He forced his fingers to slowly slip in and out of her hot body while she whimpered and quivered. “You are so hot—so wet. You feel incredible. I want you under me when I slide into that sizzling body of yours.” He almost took her right there against the shower stall when she shivered and shook as he removed his fingers from deep inside her.
Grabbing the handle of the shower, he shut the water off and pulled the curtain back before he plucked a towel from the rack and ran it over her breasts. His tongue followed the path of the soft cotton across her straining nipples, down her belly, between her legs for a single moment, then back up. When he finished, she gave him a saucy smile and flicked her tongue across his chest until she could nip at his flat disks. Not able to wait any longer, he picked her up in his arms and headed for the bed.