Strictly Professional: Stud Services Read online

Page 7

  She chewed her bottom lip.

  “I don’t bite.” He bent toward her ear and whispered, “Not hard, anyway.”

  Her heart slammed against her ribs when her gaze met his and he smiled. He took her hand in his warm grasp and headed toward the front door. “You have property behind the house?”

  “Twenty acres. I needed somewhere to keep my horse.”

  She knew she was babbling, but she couldn’t seem to help it. The feelings he stirred with a simple touch or look had her body in overdrive. “You have horses?”

  He slipped the key into the front door and pushed it open. “There are five back there to be exact.”

  “Do you ride a lot?”

  He tossed the keys on the table near the door. “All the time if I could, but I usually don’t have that much time. I try to go at least once a week.”

  When he flipped on the lights, she stood in awe at the expansive entry way with its marble tile floor and wrought iron accents. “This is beautiful, Brandon.”

  “Thanks. I paid someone to decorate it. I’m terrible at matching colors and things like that.” He pulled her into the living room and turned on a light next to the couch. “How about something to drink?”

  “Mmm...water, milk, whatever is good,” she said, taking a seat on the suede couch. “This is really soft.”

  The kitchen sat off to her right with a large granite island, sparkling stainless steel appliances, and cherry wood cabinets. She could see him opening the refrigerator and taking out a pitcher before he grabbed a couple of glasses out of the cupboard to his left.

  “I know. I love that couch. You could sink into the cushions and never come out,” he answered from the kitchen.

  A couple of minutes later, he stood next to her and handed her a glass of sweet tea.


  “You’re welcome.” He took a seat in chair across from her and watched her over the rim of the glass. “If it wasn’t already dark, I’d take you out back and show you my place. Being raised on a cattle ranch, I’m sure you can appreciate it.”

  One shoulder lifted in a shrug. “It’s fine. I try not to have anything to do with cattle, horses, or cowboys if I don’t have to.” She caught her lip between her teeth and her eyes widened when she caught his surprised gaze across the room.

  “You have a thing against cowboys?”

  Her focus dropped to the carpet at their feet for a second before it returned to his. “Sorry. Nothing against you. I just haven’t had much luck with them.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “So where did you grow up? I don’t know anything about you at all and here I am sitting on your couch, sipping tea.”

  The corners of his mouth lifted in a smile and one dimple peeked out, tempting her like nothing else could. Her heart fluttered in her chest and it felt like a million butterflies were beating against the inside of her stomach, trying to get out.

  “Let’s see. I grew up in Montana. Billings to be exact, or should I say outside of Billings. My parents owned a place there.”

  She took a drink from her glass and studied him a moment.

  “I have one brother and two sisters. Like you, I’m the oldest.”

  “Where did you go to school?”

  “I did my pre-med at Montana State then went to New York University Mount Sinai.”

  “Mount Sinai? Wow! That’s one of the best schools in the country.”

  “Vanderbilt is pretty prestigious, too. You did well to get in here.”

  Heat crept up her neck to splash across her cheeks. “Yeah, well...”

  It helps to have connections and parents with money.

  “How did you end up in Tennessee then?”

  “Centennial Medical Center offered me a nice contract to work the emergency room here.”

  A frown pulled down the corners of her mouth. “So how did you end up at Vandy?”

  “Once I got here, things weren’t the way they stated them in the contract. I did my stint and then Vanderbilt offered me a position, so I took it.”

  “You’ve been in Tennessee a while, then.”

  “Yeah, about a year.”

  “Do you like it here?”

  “I love it. I plan on staying for a long time. I’d say forever, but you never know what might happen in the future.”

  “What about your siblings? Where are they?”

  “My brother Aaron lives in Montana still and works the home place with my dad. He’s twenty-eight. My sister Beth just got married last year and lives in Washington State with her husband. She’s thirty-two and my baby sister Alyssa is in college in California.”

  “No grandkids yet for your parents either?”

  “Nope. That’s why I had to laugh when you mentioned your parents pressuring you and your sisters about grandchildren. Every time I’m home, I get the same lecture.”

  “You have no idea,” she mumbled as she stared into the bottom of her now-empty glass.

  “What? I didn’t hear you.”

  “Nothing.” She stood and moved toward the fireplace against the wall. Brandon had several pictures of what she assumed to be his family lined up in individual frames. “Are these your parents?” She picked up one silver frame with an older man and woman smiling brightly on the front porch of a house.

  His voice came from right behind her and she jumped. “Yeah. This one was taken a few years ago right before their anniversary. That’s the front porch of the family place.”

  “Looks nice.”

  He set the picture back down on the mantle. “I like it. They don’t have a huge place, but it’s plenty big enough I guess you could say.”

  “Do they raise horses?”

  “Horses and cattle. You know the typical Montana cattle ranch.”

  She picked up another photo of one of his sisters, noticing the resemblance between his features and hers. “How many acres do they own out there?”

  “Five thousand.”

  Her head snapped around. “Five thousand? You’re kidding me, right?”

  He cocked his head slightly to the side. “No. Last time I checked, that’s about right I think. Dad might have sold some off by now or divided it up and given some to Aaron.”

  “Brandon, that’s a huge place.”

  “Doesn’t seem like it to me.” He smiled. “Of course, I’ve never ridden from one side to the other.”

  Something ricocheted through her brain as she stared at his face.

  Cooper. Cooper. Oh my God! His parents own Cooper Cattle out of Montana.

  “Is your father Jed Cooper?”

  His eyes narrowed in what appeared to be suspicion.

  Maybe he’s been burned by gold-diggers, too.

  “Yes, why?”

  She set the picture back down and moved away from his disturbing heat. “I’ve heard of him. That’s all.”

  “There’s more to it than that, Savannah.”

  Stopping near the window, she could see the moonlight casting sliver beams across the pasture in the back.

  Stud service. Mom and dad want a grandchild and I know they wouldn’t be disappointed in hooking up with Cooper Cattle, but could I only use Brandon for a baby? What would he say to that?

  “Savannah?” He stood behind her. She could smell his spicy cologne mixed with his intoxicating male scent and it sent heat spiraling through her middle to settle between her thighs.

  His reflection in the window where he stood behind her made them look perfect together.

  She inhaled a quick breath and said in a rush, “Brandon? Would you make a baby with me?”

  * * * *

  He laughed. Not knowing what else to do and thinking she couldn’t possibly be serious, his chuckle turned into roaring laughter. He dropped onto the couch and wiped his eyes.

  Her eyes narrowed when she turned to face him.

  “I didn’t think the idea merited that kind of mirth.”

  “I’m sorry, Savannah.” He held his side while it cramped. She wasn’t l
aughing and the chuckles died on his lips. “You really are serious?”

  She dropped into the chair he’d vacated earlier. “Yes.”

  “Make a baby? With me?”

  “Come on, Brandon. I didn’t think it would be that hard to explain. You’re a doctor and so am I. How hard is this?”

  “Care to explain what brought this on? I mean we only met four days ago. Granted, you are a beautiful woman and we seem to get along all right.”

  And I’d like nothing more than to fuck you until you scream.

  Rubbing the spot over her right eye, she dropped her gaze to the floor for a moment before it returned to his face. “It’s my parents. I told you how they have been harassing us to have children and find husbands.”

  “Yeah. So what’s this got to do with me except that I’m the other half of a baby making machine?”

  “When I went home this weekend, my parents basically gave all of us an ultimatum. They want us to find husbands, of course, but the biggest thing they said was we needed to have children.”

  He didn’t like the sound of this. “I don’t quite understand, Savannah. You’re going to have to give me more information.”

  She stood and started to pace. “How do I say this without sounding crude?”

  “I think we are beyond crude.”

  Their gaze met and he knew she didn’t like this anymore than he did but curiosity had him sitting on the edge of his seat.

  “I’m sure you know who my parents are.” She chuckled. “Right now, I wish they weren’t my parents.” Stopping behind the chair she’d sat in, she picked at an invisible piece of something on the blanket draped there. “William and Maria Gibson?”

  If their names were supposed to mean something to him, they didn’t. “And so?”

  She looked surprised. “You don’t know who they are?”

  “Am I supposed to?”

  “Let me clarify, then. Gibson Industries out of Houston. Gibson Oil?”

  “I’ve heard of Gibson Industries and I’m assuming the way you talk, Gibson Oil is a big producer.”

  Savannah sat back down in the chair. “My parents bought some land outside of Houston. Several years ago they added an oil well, hoping for a little to supplement their cattle business. They hit a gusher back in the late seventies.”

  He shrugged. Why do I care? “Okay. So you’re from money.”

  “It makes it very hard to find a man not interested in the funds that were set aside for us. Now, with me almost finished with medical school, you can see the problem I have.”

  “Men are after your money and not to be with you.”

  “Yes. My parents want a grandchild desperately. I obviously don’t have any prospects of a husband currently and neither do any of my sisters. They told us this weekend they had cut off our trust funds until we produce a child. I don’t use the money for my school and living expenses now, thus still driving my Bug, but it’s important to me to have that for my future.”

  “So let me get this straight. You want me to father a child for you?” He laced his fingers together and met her gaze.

  Savannah drew her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded.

  I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.

  He shook his head and stared at the carpet beneath their feet.

  She stood quickly and said, “You know what? Forget I asked. It’s a stupid idea anyway.” She tugged at the hem of her skirt. “If you’ll get my keys, I’ll be on my way.”

  “Savannah, wait.”

  “No, really. It’s fine.”

  He sighed and walked to the table where he’d left her car keys before he handed them to her.

  “Thanks for taking care of my car. I guess I’ll see you at work.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  She gave him a peculiar look before she pulled open the front door and shut it softly behind her. Several minutes later, he heard her car start and then fade away as she drove down the driveway.

  He tried to call her over the next two days, but she refused to answer. After leaving several messages on her voicemail, he gave up. He knew he would see her today at work. “Doctor Cooper,” she said politely when they passed in the hall and he gritted his teeth.

  She punched the code of the supply room and disappeared inside. Before he had a chance to change his mind, he followed. Her eyes widened and then narrowed when he stepped inside. Grabbing something off the shelf, she tried to brush past him, but he wasn’t going to let her walk away. He wrapped his hand around her arm and stopped her. “Savannah? Can I talk to you?”

  “Is there a problem with a patient?”

  “No. I want to talk to you about what you said the other night.”

  She pulled her arm out of his grasp while her eyes spit fire.

  She’s pissed off at me.

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Doctor Cooper.”

  “What are you mad at me for?”

  “I’m not mad at you. I’m embarrassed for even suggesting something like that to you.” Savannah turned her back to him and straightened some boxes of gloves on the rack. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  He let his hands rest on her shoulders. “You want to please your parents. I can understand that feeling.”

  “I guess they’ll get their wish, then. I’ve made an appointment with a sperm bank downtown. I guess it won’t be so bad raising a child by myself.”

  “A sperm bank? Are you crazy?”

  She spun back around. “At least I can chose who’ll be the father of my child by race, intelligence, and whatever else they make men put on their questionnaire.”

  “What are you going to do? Intrauterine insemination?”

  “Sure. Why not? My parents will have their grandchild.”

  “And you’ll have what? A child by a man you don’t know?”

  The shrug of her shoulders irritated him to the point of anger.

  “What difference does it make to you?” she snapped. “I gave you the option and you laughed.”

  “It makes a lot of difference, Savannah.”

  Her eyes narrowed again. “Maybe Tony will take me up on my offer.”

  “You asked him? You aren’t serious.”

  “Why not? He’s got some money now and a cute little girl. His wife is dead. I’m sure we could still be good together it bed. It wasn’t bad before.”

  “You’d sleep with him?” Her shoulder lifted in a shrug again and anger zipped down his back. “You’ll have sex with anyone to get a child? Is that what you’re saying?

  “Not anyone, Brandon. I wouldn’t sleep with you.”

  A growl left his mouth and he stepped close enough that her breasts brushed his chest. “No? I think you’re lying.”

  “I’m not. I don’t want you.” The words left her mouth, but he could see the truth in how her pupils dilated when he moved closer and the way her lips parted.

  He bent his head close enough their lips were only scant centimeters apart and he could feel her warm breath flitter across his mouth. “I think you do, Savannah. You want my cock buried in that tight pussy of yours so bad; your panties are wet right now, aren’t they?”

  “No,” she whispered in a ragged exhale.

  His hand moved to palm her breast. “Your nipple begs for my touch.” He slid his palm against the nipple and felt her arch toward him. “I can feel your heart pounding.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it to the spot over his heart. “Just like mine.”

  She whimpered and bit her lip.

  He slipped his hand from her breast down her belly and flicked open the button at her waist. “Do you want me to touch you, Savannah?”



  Her head fell back against the rack behind her, barring her neck, and his lips found the hollow of her throat. He bit the soft skin and she moaned when his fingers slid under the elastic of her underwear, through the curls, and dipped inside. She widened her stance and he went deeper. His cock strained aga
inst the front of his scrubs, screaming for release as her sweet pussy gripped his fingers. His thumb found her clit, rolling it quickly while he finger fucked her hard.

  “God, Brandon.”

  “Come for me, Savannah. I want to feel you cream for me.”

  He fixed his mouth over hers when he felt her pussy ripple and squeeze, knowing she had to be close. He swallowed her scream of completion while he stroked her until she relaxed against him.

  When she opened her eyes, he knew he shouldn’t have done what he just had. Tears sparkled at the corners of her eyes and she whispered, “Get your hands off me.”

  He stepped back and she fixed her clothes, trying for some semblance of order before they faced patients and staff again.


  Her gaze met his. “Don’t. I don’t want anything from you.”


  “Stay away from me.” She headed for the door, but before she pulled it open, she said, “All I need is sperm—nothing more.” Her gaze raked him from head to toe and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the meaning of the look in her eyes at that point.

  * * * *

  Her whole body shook from the force of her climax when she walked out of the supply room and headed outside for a moment. The warm air hit her face and she inhaled a deep breath, trying to calm the chaos inside.

  Damn him! How could I let him do that? Because I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.

  She shook her head to clear her thoughts before she walked back inside. Her gaze met his over the top of the nurses’ station counter when she moved back through the double doors. The heat in his eyes scorched her to her soul and she shivered. She kept on moving until she rounded the edge on the other end, picked up a chart, and headed down the hall. Once she was out of his eye sight, she released the breath she held in a sudden rush of air.

  The rest of the shift had her avoiding him at all cost until she walked out through the waiting room of the hospital. Tony stood near the window with a cup of coffee in his hand.

  “Hey, Savannah.”

  “Hi, Tony. How’s Molly?”

  “She’s doing fine. They should be releasing her tomorrow.”

  She laid her hand on his arm. “That’s fantastic.” Her gaze caught a movement to her left and when she turned her head, she felt pinned by the look on Brandon’s face. His eyes flicked to her hand on Tony’s arm and then back to her face. Feeling a little bit vindictive, she slipped her hand into Tony’s and snuggled up to his side. “Hey. I’m headed home. Would you like to come over for a drink? We can celebrate her release.”