9781618857279MakeMineaCowboySullivanNC Read online

Page 6

  “He sounds sweet.”

  Joel smile and shrugged. “Fourth is us triplets. Me, Jason, and Josh. You know about me. Josh, we’re a little worried about. He’s been drinking a lot lately, too I think he got his heart broken recently. He won’t talk about it though. I’ve tried. We are very similar in looks, but our personalities are very different. At least to me, they are.”

  “Josh is a ladies’ man, definitely.”

  “Yeah, but he’s been down in the dumps lately. I hope whoever broke his heart was worth the pain he’s going through now. I hate to see him like this. He’s trying, but you can see the pain in his eyes if you look hard enough.”

  “It’s never easy breaking up with someone you’ve been with for a long time even if it’s a mutual breakup.”

  “True. I haven’t been in a long-term relationship really, so I wouldn’t know that kind of pain. I hope I never do.”

  She dropped her gaze to her paper for a moment and let his words sink in. Why didn’t she feel pain over her breakup with her ex? She loved him, didn’t she? Maybe not like she should have. The pain didn’t seem to be there.

  “And then there is Jason.”

  “You almost sound exasperated by him.”

  “He’s an exasperating individual.”

  “How so?”

  “He likes the ladies. Definitely. I think he’s got several women on the string at the moment and I’m just waiting for the bubble to burst. If they found out about each other, it could sure make for some interesting fireworks in the neighborhood.”


  Joel scraped the toe of his boot in the dirt, digging up a small rock in the process. “This isn’t the first time he’s done this type of thing either. He’s been caught before and almost got himself shot by one girl’s father. He found Jason’s ass hanging out the window of the daughter’s room a few years ago. His truck still bears the bullet hole.”


  “I think my parents wish he would go in the military or something to straighten his ass out, but then they’d be totally worried he’d be in some combat zone and get his butt killed or something.”

  “I think your parents could handle it.”

  “I think my dad could, but I’m not sure about Mom. She loves having her sons around here.”

  “I’m sure she does. She’s a very strong lady, though.” Mesa tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

  “Yes, she is. I doubt Jason will do anything of the sort. Military lifestyle doesn’t suit him, I don’t think. He likes sleeping late, getting into trouble, and staying out all hours of the night. The discipline would do him good, but I doubt he’d do it.”

  “Trouble with a capital T.”

  Joel chuckled. “The fifth of us is Jonathan. He tries to be the cowboy Dad wanted in all of us, but he’s not so much cut out for the life. He rides, but he’s not as comfortable on a horse as the rest of us. He’s more at home in front of a computer. He’s a gamer.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. Computer programmers make good money.”

  “Yeah, but he doesn’t get to do it much. I think Dad should let him take over the website and marketing for the ranch, but he hires out to someone else. Dad doesn’t see the potential in Jonathan doing it. I do. I think he’d been great at it. If they send Jonathan to school so he could get some formal training, he’d be kick-ass at it. I don’t think Jonathan has ever had a girlfriend. He’s really shy.”

  She laughed. “I didn’t think any of you were shy.”

  Joel grinned. “He really isn’t when you get to know him. I think he feeds off the rest of us with our personalities. He kind of goes along with the bunch.”

  “I bet he’s got a deeper personality than you give him credit for.”

  “Maybe.” He lifted his gaze and glanced across the fire to where Jeremiah sat talking with a couple of the young women who were guests. “Jeremiah is the sixth in the bunch.” Joel shrugged as he shifted on the seat. “How do I describe him? Hmm. He tends bar at the local club when he’s not working the ranch. I don’t think he cares so much for the ranch work. He likes doing financial stuff. He plays the stock market a lot. He’s a very personable guy and gets along with just about everyone. See how he’s talking to those girls?”


  “Most would think he’s flirt. Trying to get one of them in bed with him, but he’s not.”


  “Nope. He just likes to talk to people. The numbers thing is really what he likes. I constantly see him with his nose buried in the newspaper or on the computer. Someday I expect him to be rich beyond all of us the way he plays with numbers. I’m not sure why he’s here at the ranch except that he doesn’t want to leave Mom and Dad. He’d be better off in New York or somewhere.”

  “Wow. Such a diverse group you have here.” The notes on the group were getting longer and longer. How much more could she possibly need to develop the hero in her book? Maybe there needed to be an entire family.

  “Then there is Joey or Joe. He’s the baby of the family and boy do we all know it. He gets away with murder. I swear. Mom and Dad think he can do no wrong. Well, it looks like it from the rest of us boys’ perspective anyway. He’s the one in charge of the horses. He helps Dad buy and sell those for the Remuda and keeps us in a good supply of gentle to a little more rowdy for the experienced riders. We have a wide range of horses we keep on the property. Joe breaks most of the newer horses and he competes in bronc riding at the rodeo. I think he does some bull riding on the side, too although he doesn’t want Mom to know about it and it’s not professionally. One of these days, he’s gonna break his neck, but it’s what he loves. He’s got the adrenaline junkie personality. Definitely attracts the buckle bunnies with his happy-go-lucky attitude. Woman in every town.”

  “Wow. You’ve got such a wide variety of personalities in your brothers. I’ve got five pages of notes on them.”

  “Good. I hope you get some great information while you’re here.”

  “This is going to be awesome, Joel. Thank you for giving me the lowdown on everyone.” She reached over and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Would you like to go for a walk?”

  “In the dark?”

  “I grabbed a small flashlight while we were in the barn.”

  “Okay,” she said, sliding her pen and notebook into her purse. She wasn’t sure how much they could see in the dark, but she didn’t want to call it a night quite yet. Being close to Joel ramped up the heat between them. Her body felt on fire as she shivered in the night air. It wasn’t from being cold.

  As they stood to make their way into the blackness surrounding the bonfire, one of his brothers called out, “Behave yourself, Joel. She’s a guest.”

  “What’s that all about?”

  A shrug lifted both his shoulders as he laid his hand on the small of her back guiding her around the boulders and path rocks blocking their way. “Nothing really. We just have a don’t mess with the guests policy.”


  “Yeah. It’s really to keep my brothers from coming onto some of the single women we get staying here, which doesn’t happen a lot. We tend to meet more women in town. The ranch is packed most of the time with families.”

  “Does the no messing with the guests policy include me since you kissed me?” she asked, cuddling closer to his side. She really hoped the policy didn’t apply to her. She wanted Joel to kiss her again.

  Chapter Five

  He stopped and looked down at her. “Technically, yes. I shouldn’t have kissed you earlier. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I wished for it. Remember?”

  “Yeah, but…”

  She pressed two fingers to his lips. “I wanted you to. It’s not your fault. If your mother says anything, it was me, not you.”

  The warmth of his lips under her fingertips sent chills down her arms. He kissed her fingers, then her palm. Shivers raced down her back. Her heart sped up, threatening to jump from her c

  Moonlight lit the path now that they were away from the fire. It also reflected the white of his teeth as he smiled. The wink he gave her did nothing to calm her out of control libido.

  “I’ll blame it all on you then.”

  “Great.” He grabbed her hand to lead her down the path headed for the front of the house. Clouds raced across the face of the moon blocking the light at times, but giving everything an slight eerie silver glow.

  He led her to the front of the main house where several rocking chairs and other assorted benches lined the porch in front of the windows. Light from the main room of the lodge spilled out onto the front lawn, but did nothing to cut the darkness beyond fifty feet. Joel took her shoulders in both of his hands as he pushed her down on one of the rockers. “I thought you might like to sit here for a bit and watch the clouds drift across the moon. It always seems kind of strange to me to watch with the outline of the trees beyond the light from the house.”

  “It is spooky out here.”

  The front door of the ranch house creaked open, but no one came out. She glanced at Joel, but he didn’t seem to notice. It was probably someone from inside who opened the door, and then changed their mind about coming outside. She glanced through the window, but didn’t see anyone near the door. Okay, that’s weird.

  “How long have you lived in Los Angeles?”

  “All my life. My parents moved there before I was born.”

  “Do they still live there?”

  “Sort of. They spend part of the year in Arizona.” His profile intrigued her. The slope of his nose looked regal, except for the small bump near the bridge indicating he’d broken it at least once. His lashes were long, dark spikes any woman would give her eyeteeth to have. The black Stetson sat back on his head, framing the black curtain of his hair. He wore it longer than most guys, she noticed, almost to his shoulders.


  “Nothing, why?”

  “You’re staring at me.” He smiled and winked.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m admiring your profile.”


  “I’m committing it to memory for a book cover. I want to take your picture before I leave.” Yeah, sounded like a good excuse to me. I certainly can’t tell him I think he’s hotter than Hades.


  “Yeah. Preferably with your shirt off.”

  He laughed. The rich, deep sound made her pussy weep with need. God, I want this man to make love to me. Make love, hell! I want him to fuck me six ways to Sunday.

  With a quick glance at his watch, he said, “How would you like to go into town? The bar there should be just starting to swing right about now.”

  “Sure. I haven’t been out to a bar in quite a while.”

  “No?” He stood and held out a hand to help her to her feet.


  “Well then you need to loosen up a bit. Have a few drinks. Dance.”

  “I can’t dance.”

  He tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow as they walked back toward the parked cars behind the main house.

  “Sure you can. Everyone can dance.”

  “I have two left feet. Trust me.”

  “Have you ever tried to two-step?”


  “I’ll teach you. It’s easy. I’ll lead, you follow. You’ll have the hang of it in no time.”

  “I’ll probably bruise your feet stepping on them.”

  “You can’t be any worse than Willa Miller.”

  “Who?” She giggled as he opened the door to the biggest truck she’d seen in her life. White and huge with big mud tires.

  “Willa Miller. She’s been hanging out at the bars since she turned twenty-one. She’s now fifty something, I think.” Once he got around the front of the truck, he hopped inside and closed his own door. “She’s got to be the worst dancer I’ve ever seen. Most of the guys tolerate her because she so sweet, but man she’s hard on the toes.” Her laugh turned into a snort. Joel roared with laughter as he turned over the engine. “You snort when you laugh.”

  “Only when I’m laughing really hard.” She placed her hand over her nose and mouth trying to hide the sound. “It’s not funny, Joel.”

  “Sure it is. I think it’s cute.” He grabbed her hand to lace their fingers together.

  “You would.” What to make of this enigma named Joel? He acted like he was attracted to her, but she didn’t know whether to take him seriously or not. Could they have a fling for a few days while she stayed on the ranch? She could. Would he be willing? The attraction was definitely there on her part. She slowly pulled her hand out of his grasp to wrap her arms around herself. What to do?

  “Are you cold? I can turn on the heater if you want.”

  “No. I’m fine. I got the shivers for a minute, is all.” She rubbed her arms to calm the chills.

  Within moments they pulled into a bustling bar in the center of Bandera. Tons of trucks sat in the parking lot, but very few cars. Figures. Everyone drives a truck in cowboy country.

  Joel walked around the front of the truck to open her door. Such a gentleman, but then again, his mama raised him to be like that, especially around women. He opened the door and held out his hand to help her down from the twenty feet off the ground his truck stood—okay, maybe not that high.

  “I should have dressed up more.”

  “You look great, Mesa. Besides, most of the women in here wear jeans and T-shirts.”

  “Maybe I’m overdressed then.”

  “I like you just the way you are.”


  The doors to The Dusty Boot opened and closed several times as they made their way closer. She could hear the music playing loudly every time they opened. Several cowboys stood on the porch and called to Joel when they reached the doors. He waved back, but didn’t stop to chat.

  They walked inside only to be immediately swallowed up in the crowd of cowboy hats and rhinestones. A band played from a small stage near the back of the bar. A loud cowbell clanged causing her to jump. Joel put his lips near her ear. “The mechanical bull. They ring the bell when someone rides for eight seconds.”

  “Are you going on it?” she asked, breathing in his cologne. All man, cowboy, and musk. God, he smells good.

  “If you will.”


  “Yep. I want to see those sexy hips swing with the back end of the bull.”

  Heat crept up her neck as she bit her lip to hide her smile. Sexy hips, huh. She almost felt giddy. He thought she had sexy hips. “Okay. I’ll give it a go.”

  The smile he gave her could have set her panties on fire. She sniffed hoping she didn’t smell smoke, because damn, he probably would melt the silk of her underwear.

  “Hey baby.” A beautiful blonde scooted close and pressed her size double D breasts against Joel side. “I’ve missed you. You haven’t been around here much, Joel.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Wanna hang out? I’m free tonight and all yours.”

  “I’m with someone, Brandy.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes. Brandy this is Mesa. Mesa, Brandy.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Mesa said, glancing at the woman hoping she could hide her disdain. The blonde didn’t even acknowledge her. Well, so much for pleasantries.

  “I’ll see you around, Brandy.”

  “Sure, cowboy. Call me.”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  Joel took Mesa’s hand and wormed his way through the crowd toward the back of the bar. A large mechanical bull sat in the middle of a padded ring. Several people stood around the outside of the ring, laughing whenever someone climbed on and was tossed off on their ass.

  Great. He wants me to get on that thing?

  “Yes, I do,” Joel said. “Climb on. You can do it.”

  Joel went back to pay the operator as she sucked in a ragged breath. I can do this. With Joel watching, it’ll be much more fun. She grinned as she realized
she could totally tease Joel at the same time. With a sexy swing of her hips, she approached the steel beast. She stuck her foot into the metal stirrup and swung her leg over the back of the bull. Adjusting herself toward the handhold, she tucked her dress between her thighs so she could save what little modesty she possessed, and then grinned like an idiot. Centered on the bull, she flung her left arm out and nodded to the operator to start the ride. Once the bull started bucking, she shifted her body in the sexiest motion she could as she glanced at Joel standing off to the side. He wolf-whistled, bringing a smile to her lips.

  The music seemed to roll along her spine with each swing of the bull. Her left arm snapped back and forth as she rode for the full eight seconds and earned herself the cowbell ring. When she jumped off the back of the bull, Joel met her in the middle of the padded ring, swept her up in his arms, and planted a fat, juicy kiss on her mouth.

  She lost the ability to think beyond his mouth on hers. Their tongues entwined, battling from her mouth to his and back. He lifted her up in his arms, holding her against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Moments later, someone slapped him on the back and they broke apart as the guy jokingly told him to take it somewhere else.

  She was so embarrassed she hid her face in his chest while he escorted her outside the ring. What had gotten into her? She wasn’t the type to be affectionate in public with anyone. Her ex-boyfriend even mentioned it several times, but here she stood making out with a guy she barely knew in a bar in his hometown. Good gravy. She’d turned into a regular slut in this small cowboy town.