Strictly Professional: Stud Services Read online

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  “A doctor we hear, and cute, too.”

  “I’m going to kill her,” Savannah grumbled.

  “Oh lighten up, Vannah. We’re only teasing. Of course it would be just like you to have a husband first.”

  “Well I am the eldest.”

  “By what, a year? Give me a break.”

  “Come on girls. Mingle,” Maria said, waving from her spot next to the pool.

  Savannah smiled at their mother, but grumbled out of the corner of her mouth, “You two do realize this is to introduce us...”

  “Yeah, we know. Why do you think she invited half the eligible bachelors in Houston?’ Serena grinned and waved at their mother too.

  “Shall we?” Savannah grabbed her sisters’ arms and drug them with her before they were swept up in the crowd of people her parents had invited.

  Several hours later, she stood next to a fairly handsome blond with green eyes while he told her all about his business. “As the controlling stockholder in Admiral Cattle, I’m pretty set for life, I’d say.”

  “Really? That’s fascinating,” Savannah drawled in her best sweet southern belle voice.

  And the man continued while she fought the urge to puke on his shoes.

  What would he do if he had a child that wasn’t feeling well and threw up all over him? That would never do. He would probably hold the kid out by his armpits until the nanny could be retrieved to take care of him.

  Her cell phone vibrated and she frowned when she retrieved it from the pocket of the sweater she threw over her shoulders when the sun went down.

  A small smile rippled across her lips when she read the text. It was from Brandon. He told her he was reporting on her baby—her car. It now ran like a top and sat in a very special spot in at his place. He had even bought a night cover to go over it until she got home. She moved away from the blond and he didn’t even seem to notice when she sent Brandon a text back.

  ‘You didn’t have to do that.’

  ‘I know, but I wanted to. How’s the visit with your parents?’

  ‘I’m currently at a dinner party with half the eligible bachelors in Houston in attendance.’

  ‘Oh, fun. Sounds like something my parents would do.’

  ‘Did you get any sleep today or did you take of my car all day?’

  ‘Took care of your car.’



  ‘You should have slept.’

  ‘I will. Later.’

  Her head snapped up when she heard Serena’s voice.”What are you grinning about, Sis?”


  Serena snatched the cell phone from her hand and spun around. “Brandon? Isn’t that the guy who took you to the airport?”

  “Yes. Now give it back.” Savannah grabbed for the phone, but her sister managed to dance away with it.

  “Let’s see what he said.”

  “Rena? I’m going to throw you in the pool if you don’t give me back my phone.”

  Her sister only grinned. “Oh look, he texted again.”

  “Give me the damned phone, Serena,” Savannah growled as she reached out her hand to her sister. “Otherwise, I’m going to tell Mom you are interested in Clayton Miller.”

  Rena gasped. “You wouldn’t?”

  “Yes, I would. Now give me the phone.”

  Her eyes narrowed before she grumbled, “Fine,” and handed the phone to Savannah.

  The phone vibrated again.

  ‘Where did you go? You still there?’

  ‘Yeah. I had to wrestle my sister for the phone.’


  ‘She saw you text me. Now they're all in a twitter.’


  How do I convey a cocked eyebrow on a text? Not happening.

  ‘They're all thinking...’ she cringed before she finished the text, ‘boyfriend.’

  ‘Ah. I understand.’

  ‘You do?’

  ‘Yeah. Guy. Friend. = Boyfriend.’

  Savannah shook her and fought not to laugh. At least he understands.

  ‘I’m sorry. Need to go before my Mom finds your text and calls you.’

  ‘Calls me?’

  ‘Yeah. Guy. Friend = Boyfriend.’

  ‘Got it. TTYL.’

  ‘Sleep well.’

  ‘Sweet dreams.’

  The rest of the party went by on a cloud for Savannah. She couldn’t help but grin every time she thought of Brandon taking care of her car.

  Why would he do that? He hardly knows me and he’s been nothing but sweet.

  Thankfully around midnight, the last of the partygoers left and they could retreat into the house and relax.

  The four sisters each took a seat around the living room and released a heavy sigh.

  “Well, my darlings. Your father and I will be bidding you good night. We’ll see you all in the morning at breakfast.”

  “Night, Mom. Night, Dad,” each one chorused in turn before the older couple disappeared up the stairs.

  “I’m glad that’s over,” Sabrina said.

  “Yeah. Me too,” echoed Serena and Susannah.

  “I just want to go to bed and sleep until tomorrow. I’m beat.” Savannah yawned. “This broken sleep crap is for the birds.”

  “So what was Brandon sending you text messages for?”

  Savannah gave Rena a scowl.


  “You didn’t have to tell them.”

  “Why not? I think it’s cute.”

  “There isn’t anything cute about it.” Savannah shot a glance at the other two. “He only sent the messages to tell me he had taken care of my car.”

  “Are you still driving the Volkswagen?”


  “God, Savannah! It’s not like you can’t afford to buy a new car. Your trust fund is...”

  “What, Susannah? I don’t use my trust for things like that and you know it. Not that Mom or Dad would care, but it’s for the future—my future—my children’s future at some point. I will get a different car when I’m done with my residency next year. Until then, I’ll make do.”

  “Especially if she’s got a hunky doctor willing to help her with it,” Sabrina smirked.

  “There is nothing between me and Brandon. He’s a colleague. That’s it.”

  “Whatever you say, Savannah.”

  She rolled her eyes, stood, and headed for the stairs. “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you all in the morning.”

  “Night, Sis,” the other three chorused.

  She slipped up the stairs to her room, quickly stripped off her clothes, and headed for shower.

  I’d love a long soak in the tub, but I’d probably fall asleep and drown.

  She frowned. Quick shower, and then off to bed.

  The next evening, the four women sat around the table chatting about mundane things like their living situations, lack of significant others, their jobs, and so on.

  Maria and William swept into the dining room with their normal commanding presence. Maria kissed each one on the cheek and said, “Good evening, my daughters. What a beautiful sight. I love having you all here, you know, but we have something we need to discuss with you all.”

  Savannah shot a worried look at her siblings, who picked up on the unusual behavior of their parents, too.

  Something’s up.

  She laid her fork down next to her plate. “Mom? Dad? What’s this all about?”

  Maria shot a look at their father before she took a seat at the table while he retrieved coffee for them both. “We hadn’t planned on discussing this during dinner.” William sat the cup down in front of her and took a seat. “What do you think, darling? Shall we?”

  His broad shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Doesn’t matter. They aren’t going to like it.”

  Savannah’s heart clenched with worry.

  What? Is one of them dying? One of them is sick. That has to be it.

  “Is one of you ill? If so, you know we’ll do everything we c
an—get the best doctors involved...”

  Maria raised her hand to stop the flow of words. “We aren’t ill, Savannah, so calm down. We just have a bit of an issue we need to discuss with you all.”

  All four sisters released a collective sigh of relief until the next words reached their ears.

  “Your trust funds have been suspended.”

  Chapter Four

  All four of the women started talking at once.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “How are my projects supposed to survive without the funding my trust account is giving them?

  “For how long?” Savannah asked.

  The look on their parents’ faces gave nothing away.

  This isn’t like them at all. They are usually so giving, so free with their help, but to suspend our funds?

  “Until one or all of you give us grandchildren.”


  “You can’t be serious!”

  William held up his hand. “We have tried to be patient with all of you.” He glanced at Savannah. “You are thirty years old with no prospective husband or children on the way. As the eldest, we expect certain things from you.”


  “We realize you are trying to finish medical school so you can practice.” His gaze swept the entire group. “We understand all of you have your careers, your pet projects, but it’s time to settle down and start raising a family so we have grandchildren to leave this fortune to. Your mother and I would rather you find a nice young man, get married, and have children in the normal way, but if that’s not possible, then you need to do what you need to do to have a child.”

  Savannah’s eyes widened in shock.

  You’ve got to be kidding me! I didn’t just hear what I thought I heard, did I?

  “Let me get this straight in terms that we all understand, being we were raised around horses, cattle, and oil.” She stood and moved to the large window. A moment later she turned around and said with a chuckle, “You want us to use some guy as a stud service?”

  Maria cringed.

  “If that’s what it takes, then yes. Your mother and I would much rather you all be married to wonderful men, but since you all seem to be so stubborn about it, we have no choice but to force your hand.”

  “I’m not hearing this,” Savannah mumbled.

  William stood and walked to her side. “We didn’t want to do this to you or your sisters, but you haven’t left us much choice in the matter.”

  “You would rather I have a child with some guy off the street than have no child at all?”

  “Somehow I don’t think it will come to that, sweetheart. But in essence, I guess you’re right. Your trust funds will be released back for your use when we have confirmation of a wedding in the future or a grandchild on the way.”

  Maria stood and said, “Father. I think we should leave the girls alone for awhile to digest what we’ve said.” She chewed her lip for a moment. “We love you girls very much, but your father and I aren’t getting any younger and we need to secure the future of our businesses with grandchildren. Otherwise, all of our hard work has been for nothing.” She took his hand and walked out the front door, shutting it softly behind them.

  “I can’t believe this,” Sabrina said softly.

  “Believe it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them so serious,” Serena added.

  Savannah paced back and forth in front of the window while her parents’ ultimatum zipped across her mind and she tried to fathom what the implications might be.

  I don’t even have a boyfriend. It’s not like I can’t do without the money. I don’t use it now to live on, but this is crazy. That’s my inheritance! For my future.

  “What are you thinking, Vannah?” Susannah asked.

  Savannah spun around to face her sisters. “I’m not sure. This is blowing my mind. I mean, I understand their want for heirs, someone to take over the businesses, but this is a little harsh, don’t you think?”

  Her siblings nodded in agreement.

  “So what are any of you going to do about it? Are you going to start looking for a ‘stud’?” Savannah questioned with a raise of her eyebrow.

  “I don’t know about any of you, but the thought of sleeping with a guy just to get pregnant is wrong on so many levels.” Serena shuddered. They all knew if the situation she'd endured in high school.

  “Well, I’m not doing it.”

  “You can’t be serious, Savannah. I mean you are the eldest. You should be the first one, anyway. Plus you’ve got Brandon now.”

  Savannah rolled her eyes. “I don’t have Brandon and I wish all of you would lay off him. He’s just a friend—a co-worker. That’s all.”

  “Mmm...but he could be so much more.” Sabrina chuckled. “Stud?”

  “Damn, Sabrina! You don’t give up, do you?” She dropped into one of the leather chairs. “What about any of you? Don’t tell me none of you have friends who are men.”

  “Maybe, but I’m with you, Vannah. I can’t sleep with a guy—friend or not—to have a child,” Susannah replied.

  “I tell you what. I need a drink—a strong one. Are you girls with me? I’m sure Cowboy Slide is open, even if it’s only six. We could be pretty wasted by nine.” Sabrina stood and grabbed her purse and the rental car keys.

  “I’m right behind you, Sabrina.”

  The other two sisters filed out behind her and Sabrina as they headed for the car. The ride to the bar was made in silence. Savannah knew her sisters contemplated the latest development of their parents’ hold on their lives, too, and her stomach quivered with trepidation.

  How in the hell am I going to get around this?

  They moved inside the bar and found a booth in the corner. The waitress stopped at their table and Savannah wasn’t surprised to realize she was someone they all knew.

  “Hey! If it’s not the Gibson sisters. What are you all doing back in town?”

  “Just visiting,” Serena told her before she rattled off her order.

  Once each of them had given the girl their drink orders, she said, “Well brush off your boots and kick up your heels for a bit.”

  “We’ll try to do that,” Susannah mumbled and the waitress walked away with a smirk on her lips.

  “Why did we come here? All of you know my affliction with cowboys,” Savannah grumbled.

  “Yeah, sis, we know, but guess what? We live in Texas, so there are a few of them around.”

  “Unfortunately.” Her gaze scanned the crowd beginning to form in the bar. She’d forgotten tonight was Saturday and the bar would be packed by seven. Cowboys in every shape and size could be seen huddled around the bar, cradling a beer between their long fingers or two-steppin’ a pretty girl across the dance floor. Savannah spotted a broad-shouldered cowboy leaning against the bar with a black Stetson and dark, slightly-curly hair and her heart skipped a beat.


  The man turned and said something to his companion.

  Stupid idiot! He wouldn’t be here, anyway, and what difference does it make? He’s not interested in anything and neither am I.

  The cowboy turned around and caught her gaze. A slightly-crooked smile lifted the corners of his mouth and he reached up to tip his hat to her. Her eyes narrowed and she tried to decide if she knew him or not.

  “Don’t recognize him, but he’s kind of cute,” Serena whispered in her ear. “He’d probably make some handsome babies.”

  Savannah’s head snapped around to stare at her sister with an open mouth. “You did not just say that.”

  Rena chuckled softly.

  “Well, you can make them too. We both have the same working parts, you know.”

  “Ma’am?” She looked up and there stood the cowboy from the bar. The deep rumble of his voice sent tingles down her arms. “Would you dance with me?”

  “I uh...”

  “Sure she would! Go on, Savannah!” Serena shoved her shoulder, pushing
her almost out of the booth.

  She stood and shot a glowering look at her laughing siblings before she tugged at the side seams of her jeans where they’d bunched up around her hips. “All right!” Turning on her heel, she grabbed the guy’s hand and led him out onto the dance floor as the song changed to George Strait crooning “Baby Blue.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him close. He chuckled softly in her ear when he settled his hands on her lower back.

  “I’ve never seen you here before, darlin’. You from here?” he drawled softly in her ear.

  Savannah leaned back enough that she could look up into his eyes. With her best southern belle drawl, she said, “Oh I’m from here all right. Graduated from high school here and everything.”


  “Oh, yeah.” They continued to sway slowly in tune to the music. “What about you?”

  “Moved here not long ago. Took a job with one of the ranches outside of town.”

  “Really? Which one? Maybe I know them.”

  “You probably do. It’s owned by some oil money. You might have gone to school with their daughters. I hear they are in town this weekend.” He squinted a moment. “The old man’s name is Gibson.”

  Savannah almost choked and tripped over his feet.

  “You know them?”

  “Yeah. You could say that.” The song drifted off on the last note and Savannah stepped back. “Thanks for the dance.”

  His warm hand lay at the small of her back as he walked her back to the table. “Any time, honey.” He tipped his hat and headed back for the bar.

  She slid back into the booth next to Serena. "Happy now?”

  “No, but you could be.”

  “Good grief! Give it up!” She grabbed her drink and downed the rest. “I need another one. Where’s that waitress?”

  “You could always go to the bar and get us more. Your new friend may even buy them for us,” Sabrina offered from the other side of the booth.

  “And you could too, you know. There are plenty of men in this bar. Why aren’t you all jumping up and snagging one? Every one of you knows how much I love cowboys and this place is full of them.” She frowned when her heart whispered, Brandon’s a cowboy.

  “What are you frowning for Savannah?”