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9781618857279MakeMineaCowboySullivanNC Page 16
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“Perfect. Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
“Me too. I love the way the firelight bounces color off your skin.”
“My pale skin, you mean.”
“No.” He kissed her shoulder and run his tongue along the curve until he reached her neck. “You have fabulous skin. All soft beneath my tongue. I love your taste.”
“I didn’t realize I had a taste.”
“You do. Sweet with a little tang. It’s addicting.”
“Is it?”
She turned around in his arms until she rose up on her knees between his legs. “I like your taste, too.” Her tongue danced along his jaw until she reached his ear. “I could fall in love with you so easily.”
He pushed her back and looked into her eyes. Sincerity and insecurity shone bright in her gaze. Did she really mean what she said? Was she in love with him? What about his feelings for her? Did he feel love for this enigma of a woman who’d turned his life upside down since he found her on the side of the road?
“Don’t freak, Joel. I just meant if we had more time.”
He exhaled on a rush.
“Make love to me.”
He pushed her back on the rug and kissed her from the tip of her nose, over her shoulder, across her breasts, down her abdomen, settling between her legs. “I’m gonna eat you until you cream for me.”
She moaned softly and closed her eyes.
Her pussy glistened with her juices in the firelight as he looked at all the pink flesh. She wasn’t a waxer, but she obviously kept it well clipped. No stray hairs anywhere. Funny he hadn’t really noticed before.
“What are you doing?”
“Lookin’ my fill. You are so gorgeous, you take my breath away.”
“It’s bit disconcerting to have a man between your legs just so he can look.”
“We like to look.” He licked from pussy to clit in one long stroke.
Her head fell back on the carpeted floor as she growled deep in her throat.
He loved the way she tasted, too. He loved everything about her. God, I’m so screwed.
Not willing to give into the feelings surging through him at the moment, he loved her until she came twice by his tongue and his fingers. He moved up between her thighs. With one skillful snap of his hips, he buried his cock so deep inside her, he knew he’d come home.
* * * *
Two days later Mesa stood at the side of her car as Joel loaded her suitcases. Nina hugged her with tears in her eyes. “You know you can come back anytime, honey. You’ll always be welcome.”
“Thanks, Nina, but I’m not sure I can.”
“He loves you, you know.”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“He’s just bein’ stubborn. He’s a man after all.”
“I know, but I don’t think things would work out between us even if I were here permanently. We’re too different.”
“Wait and see.”
“Everythin’ is in the trunk, Mesa.”
“Thanks, Joel.”
“I’ll leave you two to your goodbyes. You take care, honey. Call and let us know you got home all right. I’ll worry until you do.”
Nina hugged her again. “Thank you for everything,” she whispered in the older woman’s ear.
“You’re welcome.”
Joel stood off to the side with his hands in his pockets until his mother walked back to the house. “Come ’ere.”
Tears spilled down her cheeks as she hugged him close to her heart. She loved him. She knew she did, but she couldn’t give up her life in Los Angeles to move to a small town in Texas and she couldn’t ask him to leave the only life he knew to do what? He would be so out of place in Los Angeles, it would be comical.
He moved back and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Don’t cry, darlin’.”
“I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too.” He glanced at his watch. “You better get goin’ or you’ll miss your flight.”
She closed her eyes and sniffed, holding back the tears without success. “Bye, Joel.”
“Bye, darlin’.”
Chapter Twelve
“You’re being an asshole, Joel. Go fuckin’ get laid or something!” Jonathan yelled as the two of them stood toe-to-toe in the barn.
He knew his brother was right. He’d been a total dick the last few weeks, but he didn’t know what to do to fix it. “Fuck you.”
“Go find some chick to fuck and get it over with. Mesa left. You didn’t stop her. It’s your own damn fault you let her get away and now you’re miserable. You’re totally in love with her.”
“I’m not in love with her, damn it!”
“The hell you aren’t. Look at yourself. You barely eat, you aren’t sleepin’, and I bet you haven’t been able to fuck another woman since she left.”
“What difference does that make?”
“You couldn’t could you? You tried and you couldn’t get it up.”
“Get the hell away from me before I kick your ass.”
“Try it!” Jonathan put up his fists and backed up. “I’m waiting.”
“You aren’t worth the bruise on my knuckles.” He stomped off, heading for the peace and quiet of the main lodge. Guests were few this week, so he should be able to sulk in private. He hoped.
A few moments later, he stood by the window of the main lodge looking out over the front of the house. He hadn’t talked to Mesa in a month, not since she walked out of his life. Miserable would describe his state of mind since she left. His life had come down to this, up at dawn, ride the fences, help his brother break horses, feed the animals, and mope the evening away with a bottle of beer and his television. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and certainly couldn’t even think about being with another woman. He’d tried that. The weekend after she left, he’d gotten drunk at the bar in town, took someone home and then couldn’t preform. The woman had left pissed.
“Son, why don’t you call her?”
“Because I can’t, Ma. She doesn’t love me.”
“I think you’re wrong.”
“Why wouldn’t she say it then?” he asked, turning to face her.
“She’s just as stubborn as you are.” Nina jammed her hands on her hips to take up her I’m-the-mother-so-listen-to-what-I’m-telling-you look. “Did you tell her you love her?”
“Then why would she say it first? Why do you think it’s up to her to tell you, but you couldn’t tell her?”
“I’m not in love with her, Ma.”
“You really believe that, son? You’ve been miserable since she left. I’ve seen the way you mope around here like someone killed your dog. Give it up. I don’t know if you think to convince me or yourself with that statement, but it won’t work on me.” She hugged him and stepped back. “You love her, Joel. It’s written all over your face. You were happy when she was here. Go after her. Convince her you love her and bring her back home where she belongs. If you don’t, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.” She placed her hand on his cheek. “I love you, son, but you’re drivin’ us all nuts with this.”
* * * *
Four weeks. It had been four damned weeks since she left Bandera and Joel. Mesa buried her faced in the pillow on her couch. She hadn’t been able to eat, couldn’t sleep, didn’t want to do anything but dream of Joel where he visited every night. She was miserable. “This is fuckin’ crazy!”
Her phone rang, but she didn’t feel like answering it. Every time it rang the one person she wanted to talk to wasn’t there. She’d made sure he had her phone number when she left, but so far, he hadn’t used it. Obviously, he’d moved on without her. She needed to do the same. She just couldn’t seem to breathe without thinking about him.
Her answering machine picked up and she heard the voice of her agent. “Mesa, darling. I need to talk to you about this book you sent me. Please pick up.”
“All right, Mesa.
I hate to say this, honey, but we can’t publish this. We write romance. This doesn’t have a happily ever after, honey. The heroine is miserable and we can’t sell this to anyone. You are a talented woman beyond words, but this won’t sell. You need to rewrite the ending. I’ll call you this afternoon.”
“I wish I fucking could!” she screamed at the answering machine, bursting into tears. “God, I wish it had a happy ending. I want my happy ending.”
“Never mind. I’m at your door. We need to talk now.”
The phone clicked indicating the woman had hung up just as the doorbell rang.
“Just fucking great.” She buried her head in the pillow. “Maybe if I don’t answer it, she’ll leave.”
“I know you’re in there, Mesa. Your car is in the driveway. Open the door, honey.”
Mesa sighed and climbed to her feet. She was just going to have to get this meeting over with so she could wallow in peace. “I’m coming!” she yelled as the doorbell rang again. “What do you want, Madeline?”
“You look like shit, darling. What the hell happened to you?”
“Oh, something definitely. I’ve never seen you like this,” Madeline said, shoving past her to enter her hallway. “Like I said on the phone, we can’t sell this piece with this ending, Mesa. It won’t do.”
“I’m sorry, but it is what it is.”
“You need to rewrite it. The hero and heroine have to come together somehow. Make him show up on her doorstep begging for her forgiveness and confessing his love. It’s romantic. It’s fun. It’s what it needs.”
Mesa closed her eyes as she exhaled a deep sigh. “I just can’t right now, Madeline. Maybe in a few weeks I’ll get over this melancholy me and be able to give them their happy ending.”
“Honey, what happened in Texas?”
“You look like someone died, darling.”
“No. No one died. I’ll get over it. I’ll be back on track in no time. You’ll see.”
“A man?”
Her eyes widened. Surely Madeline couldn’t tell she had a man on the brain, could she?
“I’m fine really. Thanks for stopping by.” She pushed Madeline toward the door. “I’ll call you next week. We can do lunch.”
“All right. If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure. Thank you for being worried about me.”
“Call me if you need anything. All right?”
“I will.” She shut the door behind her agent and pressed her back against the wood panel. She really needed to get over Joel, now. “Enough. I can’t keep doing this.” She swiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “He obviously didn’t love me. It was nothing more than a quick fling like he said from the beginning. I should never have let my heart get involved. Big mistake from the get go.”
The doorbell rang, echoing the sound throughout her apartment until she wanted to scream. Bong. Bong. Whoever was out there wasn’t going away until she answered the damn door.
“What?” she yelled as she opened the door to find a deliveryman.
“Ms. Arraguso?”
He handed her the clipboard. “Sign here.”
She signed her name and he handed her a single red rose. “That’s it?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He walked away while she looked at the flower. How weird. Maybe it’s from a fan. She closed the door and walked into her kitchen to set the beautiful blood red bud down. She needed a drink. Something strong. Lots of alcohol to drown her breaking heart in.
She poured whiskey straight from the bottle into a glass and then looked at the flower again. Something odd caught her attention, and she frowned as peered closer at the flower. “What the hell? There’s writing on the petals.”
She slowly peeled the silky layers back.
I can’t eat.
I can’t sleep.
I miss you.
I’m miserable without you.
The last one said…I love you.
A soft knock sounded on the front door as she stood there in shocked silence. Not even aware of what she was doing, she moved to the door and opened it to find Joel standing there in all his cowboy glory with eleven more blood red roses clutched in his hands. She let her gaze roam over him from the top of his black Stetson to the tips of the dirty cowboy boots. He looked good enough to eat.
“Do the tears mean you missed me, too?” he asked, his blue eyes hopeful.
“God, did I miss you!” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the pent up passion and love she held in her heart for this crazy man. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” She punctuated each phrase with a kiss.
She heard the rest of the bouquet crunch to the carpet as he pulled her arms from around his neck and dropped to one knee. “Mesa, baby. Will you marry me?”
Mesa covered her mouth as more tears streamed down her cheeks. “Yes. I’ll marry you. When? Where? Right now? Let’s go to Vegas. We can be married today. It’s only a four hour drive.”
“Slow down, baby. I’d marry you today, but my family would kill me.”
She stuck out her lip in a small pout, hoping he would give in. They could be married before the end of the day.
“I love you, Mesa.”
“I love you too, Joel.”
“We have to wait.”
“Because, I want to marry you in front of everyone. All my brothers, your family. Everyone.” He grinned his heart-stopping grin. “But we can start the honeymoon now.”
“Oh hell yeah!”
He swept her up in his arms before he kicked the door shut with his boot. “Where’s your bedroom?”
“Down the hall, cowboy.”
“I’m gonna make you scream, city girl.”
“Promise with all my heart and soul.”
The fire in the fireplace hissed from the gas logs. Rain pounded on the roof outside but Mesa didn’t care. She sat wrapped safe and warm in her husband’s arms while they lounged on the rug in front of the fireplace in nothing but bare skin. She had her very own happily ever after with her cowboy. Soft country music played over the stereo system. A little George Strait always put her in the mood for lovin’. Tonight was no exception. Of course, it was their wedding night. The honeymoon would commence the next day with a trip to Jamaica, but they’d decided to spend the night in their cabin.
After he’d shone up on her doorstep in Los Angeles, they’d spent the day and night making up for lost time. It only took one I love you to tell her she belonged with this man back in Texas. He went home after a week, leaving her there to settle her life, give up her apartment and pack a truck. He then flew back to ride from L.A. to Bandera with her. Their wedding took only three months to plan. She couldn’t have waited much longer even though they loved the nights away in their little spot of heaven beneath the wide Texas night sky.
Noise coming from outside startled her out of her musings until she snuggled back down against him.
“Don’t worry, darlin’.” His kissed the top of her head. “It’s just my brothers causing a ruckus.”
“What are they up to?” She sat up and turned around in his arms. “They aren’t like painting your truck with shaving cream or something, are they?”
“I don’t know, but I’d expect them to tie cans to the back bumper. I ain’t the first to get married since Jeff did it before me, but I’m the first to have my wife snuggled up next to me on our weddin’ night here in my cabin. Jeff spent his wedding night alone.”
“Seriously? What the hell?”
“I told you she was a bitch. She went out after the wedding with her friends, passed out on someone’s floor and didn’t come home until two days later.”
“Wow.” She glanced down at her wedding rings with a smile. “I can’t believe we’re married.” A not so quick kiss to his lips forestalle
d her next words for several minutes. She loved kissing Joel, anytime, anywhere. They usually made the family uncomfortable with their show of affection. “It was a beautiful ceremony even though it rained.”
“But it was great to have it in front of the fireplace in the main lodge.” He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear before he trailed his fingertips along her jaw. “You looked beautiful in your dress. Did I tell you that?”
“You have now. You looked pretty handsome in your cowboy finery.” She kissed his neck. “Did I ever tell you I have a thing for cowboys?”
“No really? I would never have guessed.” He laughed.
She punched him in the side.
“Oh, I did not hurt you.”
He gave her a wounded look with a little pouty lip. Unable to resist, she leaned in and sucked his bottom lip between her teeth before she took a nip of it. A soft moan escaped his mouth as he grabbed her head, slanting it just so for a deeper kiss. Their tongues tangled for a good while before he lifted his head and looked into her soul with those beautiful blue eyes.
“I love you Mrs. Young.”
“I love you too, Mr. Young. So much. More than anything in this life.” Tears formed, spilling down her cheeks.
“Hey! Why the tears?”
“Happy tears. I’m so glad you came to L.A.”
“You’ve already thanked my mother for her intervention on your behalf like a thousand times.”
He tucked her in next to his side, holding her close. Her head rested on his broad chest. “I wouldn’t know what to do if you hadn’t.”
“I’m beyond thrilled we don’t have to find out. Now, hush. I have a wife to love.”
“Hmm,” she hummed in between kisses. “I like your thinking, Sir.”
“Good. Kiss me, woman.”
“Where, Sir?”
“Anywhere you want.”
Secret Cravings Publishing