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Strictly Professional: Stud Services Page 13
Strictly Professional: Stud Services Read online
Page 13
“Mmm...what do you think of Marcus William then?” She laughed when she looked at his face again. “What?”
“You’d name him after me?”
“Well, yeah. He is your son.” The baby started to squirm and fuss. “I bet it’s time for you to eat, huh, little guy?” She shifted him to her lap and unsnapped the gown at her shoulder, baring her breast.
Brandon sucked in a ragged breath, hissed between his teeth, and stood abruptly. “Um...I’m going to get some food too. I’ll be back in a little while.”
“You don’t have to leave. It’s not like you haven’t already seen my breast, Brandon.”
“Yeah, I know, but it’s not the same.”
“I...um...never mind.” He rushed out of the room, hoping the pressure in his chest would release once they weren’t in the same room.
Damn it! Not being able to touch her for six weeks is going to be hell. If I have to watch her feed my son with those beautiful breasts, I’m going to go absolutely nuts!
* * * *
“I’m going to miss you, Savannah, and my grandson. It’s been so nice having you here for the last several weeks after Marcus’s birth.” Maria wiped the tears with a tissue. “And Brandon. It’s been nice getting to know you and I hope we’ll see you again, too.”
“I know, Mom. We’ll come visit again soon and you know where my apartment is.”
Her father pulled up to the airport drop off and they emptied the car of their baggage and the baby’s car seat. When they finally had everything unloaded, she turned and hugged her parents before they kissed the baby and shook Brandon’s hand.
“I’m glad you made it back so you could fly home with Savannah, Brandon,” William said.
“Me too. I’m sorry I had to return to Nashville for several weeks, but the hospital pitched a fit with us both gone.” He lifted the baby’s car seat into his arms.
“We should go. Bye Mom. Bye Dad.” She kissed them both. “I’ll call you when I get home.”
“You better. I’ll be waiting.”
Savannah rolled her eyes. “Yes, Mother.”
They all laughed and waved as she and Brandon slipped through the airport doors and into the throng of people milling about. After they made their way through security and finally reached the gate where the plane would be leaving from, she sighed and sat down.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just tired. Your son has me up about every three hours to eat. My mother’s been wonderful about helping with him and giving him a bottle sometimes so I can take a nap, but she won’t be there now and it’s all on me. I’m glad I don’t have to be back to work for a few more weeks.” She sighed, but when he gave her an odd look, she cocked her head to the side.
“I’ve got a suggestion.”
“Yeah. Why don’t you...” The tinkling of his cell phone interrupted his words. He pulled it from his pocket and frowned. “New York?”
Shit! I didn’t tell him.
He flipped it open and said, “Hello?” His eyes narrowed. “Rachel?” He turned so his back faced her and she could only hear murmurs.
Brandon talked for several minutes and Savannah’s stomach clenched with each passing one.
Did the other woman tell him she’d called and left a message? Now he’s going to be pissed. A fleeting thought zipped across her mind. Rachel. Rachel. Isn’t that the woman he was seeing before? The one who wouldn’t leave New York to come to Tennessee with him?
“Now boarding, flight twenty-twenty-two. Non-stop service to Nashville.”
“That’s my flight, Rachel. I need to go.” He shifted his gaze to Savannah. “I’ll call you later.” He hung up quickly and grabbed the baby’s bag. “Sorry.”
Savannah shrugged. It doesn’t matter to me if he’s talking to an ex-girlfriend, does it? We aren’t a couple, after all.
They moved toward the jet way, handed the girl at the door their tickets, and made their way onto the plane to find seats. Once they were comfortably seated, she took the baby in her arms and Brandon stored the baby chair.
When the plane finally got airborne, he turned and took her hand in his. “I should explain about the phone call.”
She frowned. “Why?”
“Remember I told you about the woman I dated before I moved to Nashville?”
“The phone call was her. I’m not exactly sure what she’s looking for, but I felt you needed to know she called and I’m not sure what she’s up to.”
“I need to confess something.”
“I forgot to tell you with the problems I had with Marcus’s birth and everything afterwards. I just forgot, but she called the day I went into labor.”
“She did?”
“Yes. When you went downstairs with my father, your phone rang. I answered it and she said to tell you she called and to have you call her. She said she wanted to tell you something.”
Anger flashed in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Brandon. I just forgot until she called a minute ago.”
“I’m not mad at you, Savannah. I’m angry with her.”
She shook her head. “I don’t understand.”
“I’m not going to talk to you about this right now. I need to straighten some things out with her when we get home.”
Savannah licked her lips. She didn’t like the way this conversation started and it sure wasn’t ending like she though it should either.
“Back to my suggestion.”
“Oh. Yeah. I’d forgotten you mentioned that.”
“Why don’t you move in with me?”
“You aren’t serious. That’s crazy.” She shifted in her seat. “I’m not moving in with you.”
“Why not? I can help you take care of Marcus and he’ll have two parents nearby.”
“We aren’t even a couple, Brandon.”
He frowned. “But we are his parents.”
“Yeah. So. I’m sure you’ve heard of a single parent.”
“It makes sense, Savannah.”
He’s lost his mind.
“How so?”
“You just said you weren’t sure how you would cope by yourself. If you stay at my place, I can take turns feeding him and we could work opposite schedules at the hospital so he wouldn’t have to be in daycare.”
Okay. Maybe he’s not crazy.
“Separate bedrooms?”
“Why? We had sex before he was born. Why stop?” His fingers caressed the inside of her wrist and she pulled it away when goose bumps flittered up her arm. “We are attracted to each other.”
“So we would be back to the friends with benefits thing?”
I’m not sure I could handle that.
“Let’s take it slow, then. If separate bedrooms is what you want, then so be it.”
What if he brings another woman home?
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re frowning like something is bugging you.”
A sigh rushed from between her lips and she folded her arms under her breasts. “All right. I’ll agree to this arrangement for the baby’s sake, but under no circumstances will you bring another woman into the house.”
He cocked an eyebrow and she wanted to punch him.
He leaned toward her and brought his lips to her ear as a shiver rolled down her back. “I think you are,” he whispered then ran his tongue up her neck.
Damn him!
“That’s okay though, baby. I don’t want anyone but you.”
He sat back in his chair with a Cheshire cat grin.
“What about Rachel?”
Chapter Ten
She stood in the bedroom she’d chosen, directing the traffic around her like a drill sergeant on a mission while he stood next to the wall with his arms across his chest and watched.
God, she’s beautiful when she’s in a tizzy.
Desire rushed through him and he almost groaned out loud when he felt his cock get hard.
“No. The crib goes there.”
It had been way too damned long already since he’d made love to her and his body reminded him of it every time he got near her.
After she’d finally agreed to move into his home, it hadn’t taken any time to clear out her old apartment and bring her things here. She refused to decorate his house, though. Her only consolation was to decorate her room and the one they’d set aside for Marcus, but for now, he would be in her room anyway.
He pushed away from the door and stopped behind her. He hesitated a moment before he laid his hands on her shoulders, only to drop them when she stiffened. “Why don’t you go lay down next to the baby on my bed. Take a nap and I’ll get your things put somewhere until you can take the time to put them where you want.”
Her weary gaze met his for a moment. He knew she had to be exhausted. There were dark circles under her eyes and her shoulders drooped.
“Are you sure?”
He took her hand and walked her to his room before he pushed her down on the bed next to the already-sleeping baby. “Yes, I’m sure. Sleep. You’re wearing me out just watching you.”
“You have to work tonight, though.”
“I’m fine. I can sleep tomorrow.”
“All right.” She stretched out on her side and tucked a pillow under her head. He moved toward the door, but stopped when she said, “Brandon?”
“Thanks,” she mumbled, already half asleep.
He smiled and shook his head at the stubborn woman who had already drifted off with his pillow tucked to her face.
The house looked like a cyclone had spun through it with her things mixed in with his. He managed to convince her to trash her furniture since hers had seen better days, all except her bed. Her bed meant the world to her from the look in her eyes and he kind of liked it too, since it was where they had conceived their son.
If I could just convince her to share my bed again, we would be all set.
He whistled softly while he straightened up the bedroom where she would be sleeping, at least for now. Her clothes went in the closet and he even made the bed. When he’d finished setting up the baby’s crib, he tucked the blankets inside and then walked out into the hall and pulled the door closed. It took him a couple of hours to get things put away, but he didn’t mind. It gave her time to get some rest. He knew the baby would be awake soon to eat again.
The dingdong of the doorbell made him frown. He wasn’t expecting anyone and the movers had already left for the day.
The bell rang again and he grumbled, “I’m coming.”
I hope the noise doesn’t wake Savannah or the baby.
He pulled open the door and stumbled backward when a petite blonde threw herself into his arms.
“Brandon! I’ve missed you so much.” She ran kisses over his face and neck before she planted her lips on his and stuck her tongue in his mouth.
* * * *
Savannah groaned and rolled over when the doorbell rang. The baby started to fuss and she came fully awake with a start before she scooped him up in her arms and cooed softly. “It’s okay, sweet baby. I’m sure you’re getting hungry, huh?” She looked at the window and saw the sun setting on the horizon. “Where’s your daddy? He should be getting ready for work.”
She brought Marcus to her shoulder and patted his back before she pulled open the door and headed for the stairs as the doorbell rang a second time.
I wonder where Brandon is. Maybe he’s in the shower and didn’t hear the doorbell.
A wicked smile crossed her mouth when she thought about him in there. “Stop it.” She shook her head. “You need distance between you unless you are going to give into the temptation of having him sleeping under the same roof.”
The carpeted stairs loomed in front of her and she grasped the handrail before she headed down toward the front door, assuming Brandon hadn’t gotten it. When she reached the bottom, she was startled to see a pretty blonde with her arms around Brandon’s neck and her mouth fused with his.
Tears burned the back of her eyes, but she wasn’t going to give into the pain in her heart.
She cleared her throat loudly and Brandon pulled the woman’s arms from around him before he pushed her back.
“Rachel, stop!”
“But Brandon,” the woman whined and Savannah gritted her teeth.
Rachel. Great.
“What are you doing here, anyway?”
“I told you I was coming down here to see you so we could talk when I called.”
Savannah cocked her head to the side without saying a word.
He didn’t tell me she said she would be visiting.
“Did you forget, handsome?” Rachel looked at Savannah. “He’s so forgetful sometimes.”
Brandon shook his head and said, “Wait just a damned minute! I told you not to come down here.”
Rachel raked her fingernail down his chest. “I know, baby, but I didn’t think you were serious. I mean, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”
So he told her not to come. Mmm...interesting.
Savannah gave him a syrupy smile, walked to his side, and pulled his mouth down to hers before she swept her tongue along his lips. The other woman gasped behind them, but she didn’t care. When she lifted her head, she ran her tongue over her lips and said, “I’m taking our son upstairs to feed him. I’ll see you in a bit, honey?”
If she hadn’t been so pissed off at him, she would have laughed when he mumbled, “Uh, yeah.”
“Don’t be too long.” She winked at the other woman. “He likes to have sex before he goes to work. I’m sure you know what a ferocious sexual appetite he has.” She turned and headed back up the stairs toward her room. Her hand slapped over mouth when she heard Rachel’s raised voice downstairs, fighting not to laugh.
Serves him right.
She reached her bedroom door and moved inside, closing off the raised voices. Her breasts felt heavy and engorged and she knew she had to feed Marcus soon or she would bust wide open. She groaned softly when she sat down in the rocker near the window, bared her breast, and positioned the baby. He latched on like a champ and she sighed when he suckled heartily. “Such a good eater, aren’t you, sugar?” Her hand swept over the dark curls on the baby’s head. His eyes had started to lighten over the weeks since his birth and she didn’t quite know whether he would have blue eyes like his father or lighter brown, like hers. He already carried the dark curls of his mother, but his father’s dimples peeked out of his cheeks now and then. “You are going to be a heart-breaker, just like your daddy, aren’t you, young man?”
“What was that all about?” Brandon asked from the doorway, bringing her gaze up.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He walked toward her with that sexy sway of his lean hips and she fought the desire rushing between her legs, wetting her panties. Her pussy throbbed with need when he leaned close and she tipped her head back. His lips hovered over hers and her breath quickened in response. The kiss downstairs was the first time she’d touched him since before Marcus’s birth and her body screamed for the release she knew he could and would give her if she asked.
"What did you do with your girlfriend?"
"I told her I wasn't interested in getting back together with her and that she needed to return to New York." His tongue rasped along the seam of her lips. “If you want me to make love to you, Savannah, all you have to do is say so.”
His cocky attitude made her feel like someone had just dumped a bucket of cold water over her head. She forced a choked laugh. “That’s okay, Brandon. I’m sure I could get about the same satisfaction from my vibrator.”
He nibbled at the sides of her lips for a moment, igniting the fire all over again. “Mmm...I doubt it, baby, but if you want to play with it at the same time
, I’m game. I’ll definitely make you feel good.”
She’d always been curious, but had never found a man willing to participate in double penetration. Maybe Brandon would, along with the toy she kept in her dresser.
The baby began to fuss and Brandon released his hold on the back of her head where he’d wrapped his hand in her hair.
His hot gaze raked over her bare breast and the nipple tightened although she didn’t want to speculate whether it was from the cooler air since the baby had released it, or from the heat in his eyes.
She moved Marcus to the other breast, but Brandon’s head came down and caught the still-uncovered nipple between his lips and sucked.
Oh, God!
His tongue flicked against the hard nub and a tortured groan slipped from between her lips. Her sundress did nothing to hide her from his hands when he slipped one along her exposed leg. His finger dipped between the elastic of her underwear to slide across her clit and she almost screamed her need.
He lifted his head and caught her gaze. “Someone’s awfully wet for not needing me.” One finger dove inside her pussy and she whimpered. “If you’re still awake when I get home in the morning, I’m sure we can take care of that little problem.” He pulled his hand away and she fought the urge to grab him by the shirt and force him to make her cum.
“Bastard,” she grumbled.
He laughed and walked out of her bedroom.
* * * *
The baby finished eating as the morning sun peeked through the window and she fought the desire rushing through her. Brandon would be home soon and she wasn’t sure whether she wanted to take him up on his offer or ignore him and go to sleep.
Yeah, right. Like that’s going to happen after he tortured me last night before he left for work.
She’d cussed him for several minutes after he left, knowing she would be lying there in sexual frustration for a long time. Even the hot bath she had enjoyed after the baby went to sleep didn’t release her from the need zipping along her nerves.